Frequently Asked Questions
Common Questions
Where do I register for the CPMRS?
To register for the CPMRS, navigate to Click on the 'Create an Account’ link.
For Prescribers: Prior to registering for a CPMRS account, you will need an active Connecticut Controlled Substance Practitioner (CSP) registration and an active DEA registration number (individual or institutional). If you do not have this information:
To register for a CSP, go to
To obtain a DEA registration, go to or call your local DEA office: 1 (888) 272-5174 or 1 (617) 557-2200
Enter the email address registered with your account.
Enter password (*passwords are case sensitive).
Please note that after 4 failed login attempts, the CPMRS will lock out the account holder for 10 minutes.
If you need to reset your password, click on the 'Reset Password' link located above the Log In button or refer to the FAQs – ‘How do I reset my password?’ for instructions.
Go to log in screen,
Click on the ‘Reset Password' link.
Enter the email address registered with the CPMRS. Click on ‘Request Password Reset’ button.*
Check email account to retrieve email with link to reset password.*
*Email will be sent from If the email address you have provided is valid and registered, a link to reset your password will be sent.
I requested a reset password link but did not receive an email, what do I do?
Verify that you are entering the correct email address.
Check your Spam or Junk email folders.
If you still can’t locate the reset email, contact the CPMRS administrator.
Log into your CPMRS account,
Click on your name located at the top-right hand corner.
Select ‘My Profile’ from the dropdown list.
Enter and re-enter the new email address.
Click on ‘Save Changes’ button.
How do I update my CPMRS user profile?
You can only change the following fields: employer information, healthcare specialty, time zone and email.
Login to the CPMRS at
Go to Menu > My Profile.
Update information.
Click on 'Save Changes' button.
General Questions
What is the CPMRS?
The CPMRS stands for the Connecticut Prescription Monitoring and Reporting System.
The CPMRS is a centralized database that collects prescription data for Schedules II-V drugs.
The web-based application allows authorized users 24/7 access to a patient’s controlled substance prescription history and a prescriber’s controlled substance prescribing history.
This secure online system can be accessed by any device with an internet connection.
No special software or hardware is needed.
Is there a fee to use the CPMRS?
The CPMRS is offered as a free service.
How do I get authorized to prescribe controlled substances in Connecticut?
Step 1 - Apply for CT CSP Registration (CT Medical License required),
Step 2- Apply for DEA Registration (CSP Registration required), or call your local DEA office: 1 (888) 272-5174 or 1 (617) 557-2200
Step 3 - Apply for CPMRS Registration (CSP Registration and DEA Registration required),
How do I contact the Prescription Monitoring Program with technical issues?
For assistance with technical issues, you may contact the helpdesk either by calling the toll-free number located in the upper and lower right corners of every CPMRS screen,
Where can I find PMP educational materials for distribution?
Educational materials are available at no cost to anyone interested in obtaining hard copies. If you are interested in obtaining hard copies of the publications, please e-mail the request to
Go to
Click on ‘PMP Education Materials’ (located on the left sidebar).
Who can access the CPMRS?
Per legislation, all Connecticut prescribers with an active CT Controlled Substance Practitioner (CSP) registration must register with the CPMRS. Other eligible registrants include: authorized licensed or unlicensed delegates, pharmacists, and authorized law enforcement/regulatory personnel.
Can CT-licensed practitioners that DO NOT have a CSP registration access the CPMRS?
No. Only CT-licensed prescribers in possession of a CT Controlled Substance Practitioner (CSP) registration are eligible to access the CPMRS.
Is CPMRS registration mandatory for CT-license pharmacists?
No. Pharmacists are not mandated to register in the CPMRS; however, their employer’s internal policies may dictate otherwise.
Are law enforcement/regulatory personnel allowed to access the system?
Authorized law enforcement agencies and/or personnel may request or obtain data from the CPMRS only when acting in accordance with official duties in conducting a bona fide investigation.
Who may register as a delegate?
Prescriber-authorized unlicensed and licensed delegates may have user accounts to lookup patients on behalf of the prescriber.
How many supervisors may a delegate have in the CPMRS?
There is no limit.
How many delegates may a prescriber have in the CPMRS?
There is no limit.
**Keep in mind that both prescribers and delegates will be held directly accountable for any unauthorized lookups and abuse of the CPMRS. Please review the CPMRS Registration Policy and Procedures Manual.**
When creating a new account, can I complete part of the registration and finish it later?
The online registration form must be fully completed within 90 minutes. Failure to do so will result in rejection of the pending registration.
I am trying to create a new account; I am getting an error message stating that my email is invalid. What should I do?
This is indication that the email address is already in the system. It is likely that you already have either a pending registration or an active user account in the CPMRS.
If you do not remember your password, please see FAQs – ‘ How do I reset my password?’ for instructions.
I am trying to create a new account; I am getting the following error message, “DEA number has already been taken, either by you or someone else. If you believe this is an error, please contact your state administrator.” What should I do?
This is indication that the DEA registration number is already in the system. You either have a pending registration or an active user account in the CPMRS.
If you do not remember your email or password, please see FAQs – ‘ How do I reset my password?’ for instructions.
How do I register as a delegate?
To register for the CPMRS, navigate to
Click on the 'Create an Account’ link.
Enter an email.
Create and confirm password.
Click on ‘Save and Continue.’
Select user role (‘Prescriber Delegate-Unlicensed’ or ‘Prescriber Delegate – Licensed’). Click on ‘Save and Continue.’
Fill out registration form. At least one supervisor must be added (add by using their email that is registered in the CPMRS.
Click on ‘Submit Registration’ button.
Download and print Notarized Identity Verification form. Get it notarized and submit with a copy of a government-issued photo-ID.
Access is granted once the registration is approved by both the CPMRS administrator and supervisor(s).
How long does it take to get approval to access the CPMRS?
Please allow up to 2-3 weeks for processing. Once approved, user will receive an email confirmation.
Patient Query
How do I look up a patient in the CPMRS?
Enter the minimum required information: first name, last name and date of birth.
Best Practice - Use the partial spelling feature:
Make sure checkboxes under the first and last names are selected.
Enter at least 3 characters for first and last name.
Date of Birth is not required when both checkboxes are selected.
Click ‘Search’ button.
I cannot find my patient in the CPMRS, am I going to be penalize for non-compliance?
A majority of the time, refining your searches would yield a successful search. A good faith effort to look up the information must be demonstrated. The CPMRS captures all logins and lookups.
Your lookup history is viewable by going to Menu > Requests History.
When I look up a patient, the CPMRS is indicating that no matching patients were found, but I know that this patient has a controlled substance prescription history. What do I do?
Please refer to FAQs - How do I look up a patient in the CPMRS?
If you continue to get no matches, it may be due to one or more of the following reasons:
Search criteria not accurate.
Pharmacy did not upload dispensation data.
Data entry error by the pharmacy.
The patient did not fill the prescription.
What do I do if I find errors in the patient’s report?
The pharmacies are the primary source of data.
Contact the pharmacy to verify the information.
If it is a data entry error, then the pharmacy is required to make corrections in their system and resubmit to the PMP Clearinghouse.
I notified the pharmacy about errors, but I still do not see the correct information in the CPMRS. What do I do?
If the pharmacy refuses to comply, please contact the PMP helpdesk.
Data Submission
What is the website for data submission?
The PMP Clearinghouse website is
Who is required to register with the PMP Clearinghouse to report dispensation data?
All pharmacies that are licensed by the State of Connecticut and that dispense Schedule II-V controlled substances are required to register with the PMP Clearinghouse to report dispensation data.
Are out-of-state pharmacies required to report to the Prescription Monitoring Program?
Yes, Connecticut-licensed out-of-state pharmacies are required to report controlled substance drug (Schedule II - V) information to the Prescription Monitoring Program.
Which drugs does the program monitor?
The Legislation stipulates that the program shall monitor all drugs in Schedules II, III, IV & V, as described by the Federal Controlled Substances Act (FCSA).
Are nursing home prescriptions required to be reported through the program?
No. (Exemption does not apply to assisted living facilities, home hospice or hospice in assisted living facilities.)
What are exemptions to reporting?
A drug administered directly to a patient by a prescriber;
Any drug dispensed by a licensed health care facility provided that the quantity dispensed is limited to an amount adequate to treat the patient for a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours;
Any drug sample dispensed;
Any facility that is registered by the United States drug enforcement administration as a narcotic treatment program and is subject to the record keeping provisions of 21 CFR 1304.24;
Dispensing to inpatients in hospitals or nursing homes (exemption does not apply to assisted living);
Dispensing to inpatients in hospices (exemption does not apply to home hospice or hospice in an assisted living facility).
This is an authorized dispensary facility/institution; we meet one or more of the exemption criteria. Where can we find the Waiver/Exemption Form?
The Dispenser Waiver/Exemption Form can found under Forms/Manuals on the PMP webpage, The request may be submitted via fax to (860) 622-2608 or emailed to
What is the data reporting timeline?
Effective July 1, 2016, each pharmacy, nonresident pharmacy, outpatient pharmacy in a hospital or institution, and dispenser shall report all controlled substance prescriptions dispensed immediately upon, but in no event later than the next business day, after dispensing such prescriptions into the CPMRS Data Collection website at
What if the pharmacy does not fill any Schedule II, III, IV or V prescriptions in the reporting period?
Please submit a zero report via the data submission webpage,, indicating zero reports for Schedule II, III, IV or V prescriptions dispensed and specify the time period that you are reporting.
What are the data submission guidelines for when our office is closed?
If your facility is closed (i.e. weekends, holidays, vacations), then data submission must be conducted no later than the next business day when normal hours of operation resume.
How are compounded prescriptions to be recorded?
Prescriptions compounded by the pharmacist and containing a controlled substance must be reported.
The NDC number of the Schedule II, III, IV or V ingredient in the compounded product must appear in the NDC field and the actual metric quantity of the Schedule II, III, IV or V substance, used in the compounding is reported in the quantity field.
If more than one covered substance is used in a compounded prescription, the amounts of each covered ingredient are added and the total is reported as the quantity.
The NDC number is reported as eleven "9"s (99999999999).