Liquor Off-Premises Applications

Off Premises Liquor Permits


What is an off-premises permit?

Off-premise liquor permits allows your business to sell alcoholic beverages to customers that they drink away from your business.  This permit does not allow your customers to drink inside your premises at all. We have four types of off-premises permits: package store permit, grocery store beer permit, gift basket retailer, and druggist/pharmacy permit.  (Note: These permits are intended for businesses; if you are a nonprofit or other noncommercial entity needing a permit for a fundraising event or auction, please visit our information page for the temporary noncommercial permit.)


Do I need an off-premises permit?

Yes, you must have a permit if you want to sell beer, hard cider, wine, or spirits to your customers for consumption off the premises.  It is a criminal offense to sell alcoholic beverages without a permit. 



Permit Types


These materials will help you select which off-premises permit suits your business best and provide more information about each permit.

Permit Quiz

Take our permit selector quiz.  We guide you through on and off -premises permits to help you select the right permit for your business.


Permit Guides

The below guides are for our most popular permits.  These guides discuss topics like: hours of sale, what kind of activities are allowed on the premise, and what obligations permittees have to keep their permits in good standing.

Exclusion Grid

If an individual member of your business holds a permit, they may be forbidden from holding another type of permit by law.  This spreadsheet lists all our permits and identifies with an X what other permit types you can hold at the same time.


Permit List

Below is a list that briefly summarizes permits, and what each allows and special application requirements.


Permit Type

General Description

Special Requirements


·        Allows use of alcoholic liquors for compounding prescriptions

·        Allows sale and delivery of alcoholic liquor in specified container amounts

·        No consumption on premise at all

·        May purchase from a wholesaler

·        Must be appropriately licensed by Department of Consumer Protection as a pharmacy

·        Requires secure locking of alcohol

Gift Basket Retailer

·        Allows the sale of wine, mean, cider and beer in gift baskets in following limits: maximum of 4 bottles of wine or mead per basket; maximum of seventy-two ounces of beer or cider per basket

·        May only add following items to baskets: food items, nonalcoholic beverages, concentrates, wine/beer making kits, ice, clothing with alcohol-related advertising, flowers/plants/ garden items, glasses, bottle openers, literature relating to alcohol, and gift certificates

·        May only purchase alcohol from a package store  or the holder of a manufacturer permit

·        May deliver using own employees or a licensed third-party transporter

·        No consumption on premise

·        Must demonstrate that alcohol can be stored and monitored to ensure sales only in gift baskets

Grocery Store

·        Allowed to sell malt beverages (e.g., beer) and cider

·        No consumption on premise at all

·        May purchase from a wholesaler

·        Must be primarily engaged in the sale of grocery items, which means line items #1-6 of the breakdown of sales form must be greater than 50% of overall total sales

·        No consumption on premise at all

·        Must have lockable storage and prevent sales of alcohol outside allowable hours

Package Store

·        Allowed to sell beer, cider, wine, and hard spirits

·        No consumption on premise at all

·        May deliver using own employees or a licensed third-party transporter

·        May purchase from a wholesaler

·        Must be a package store permit available in town at time of application; review town roster

·        May only sell select other items in the store (for example: cigarettes, bar utensils, gift packages as sold by a wholesaler,  beer and wine-making kits, ice, lotto tickets, cheese, crackers, olives, concentrates to make beverages; see statute for full list); cannot have any other item if not approved by statute

Off-Premise Caterer

·        Allowed to serve beer, cider, wine and spirits for consumption at an event the caterer was hired to attend

·        Must be a contract in place for catering services

·        Must be “regularly engaged in the business of providing food and beverages to others for service at private gatherings”

·        This is not a mobile bar; applicant must be able to demonstrate some food offerings

·        Does not have to provide food at every hired event

·        Cannot self-generate events or be engaged in self-dealing


More Information



Application Process


What is the application process for an off-premises permit?

Applying for a permit is a multi-step process, but the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) is here to answer your questions and provide the forms, information, and assistance you need.  


Below is a brief overview the steps in the application process:

  1. Decide what permit you need:  Review the permit guides and permit overview list on this webpage, or take our permit identifier quiz to help guide you to the appropriate permit. 
  2. Begin an on-line application:  Create an e-License account and start an on-line application for an "OFF-Premise Permit (LIQ-OFF)."  Fill out the application and upload the documents required.  (Our application instructions contain more information about what documents are necessary.)  You will need to obtain signatures from your local town clerk, zoning officer, fire marshal, and health department as part of your application.
  3. Submit the application:  After completing the on-line application, you will submit it and pay the $100 non-refundable application fee. 
  4. DCP review and permit fee: Your application will be reviewed by DCP staff for completeness.  If there are any issues with your application or the documents submitted, you’ll receive a notice that explains what needs to be fixed. DCP staff will also email you the invoice for your permit fee. 
  5. Placard and Publication Notice:  Once your application is deemed complete, DCP will email you a template for a placard and a publication notice.  You must have a placard made that you will post on the curb outside your premises, and you will submit the publication notice to a newspaper that circulates in the same town as your business.  It takes about two months to fully complete these steps.  These two items notify the public that a liquor permit is pending at your business; members of the public have the right to object to your liquor license. 
  6. Provisional permit:  If you wish to operate with a provisional license, your application will next be submitted for provisional approval by the Liquor Control Commission or their designee.  You may use the provisional permit even if your placard and publication notice are not yet completed.  If approved, you will be sent a provisional license and may now begin selling and serving alcohol on a provisional basis.  If your provisional permit is not approved for any reason, a Liquor Control Agent will be assigned to help you address any concerns.  (Note that a provisional permit is optional; you do not need a provisional permit.)
  7. Liquor Agent review and inspection: A Liquor Control Agent will be assigned to review your application in depth and check for any issues.  The Agent will also schedule a time to meet with the permittee and inspect the premises, and will check that your placard and publication notice were done correctly. 
  8. Final approval:  Once the Liquor Control Agent determines that your application is complete and your premises is ready for a permit, your application will be submitted to the Liquor Control Commission or their designee for approval.  If approved, you will receive your permit and can begin to sell and serve alcohol (or continue to serve alcohol if you had a provisional permit already.)  If not approved for any reason, your application will be scheduled for an administrative hearing before the Liquor Control Commission.


How long does the application process take?

It takes DCP about 3 to 4 weeks from receipt of a completed application to issue a provisional permit.  It takes DCP about 3 months to issue a final permit.  Any issues with incomplete applications or not completing the placard and publication notice correctly results in delays. 


How much does a permit cost?

The cost depends on the type of permit you want.  All fees below include a $100 nonrefundable application fee.


Permit Type

Full Year

Six Months




Gift Basket Retailer



Grocery Store Beer – under $2 Million in annual sales



Grocery Store Beer –  $2 Million or more in annual sales



Package Store



Off-Premise Caterer  $540  

Can I hold more than one permit at a time?

If an individual member of your business holds a permit, they may be forbidden from holding another type of permit.  Please review our Exclusion Grid that lists all our permits and identifies what other permit types you can hold at the same time.  An “X” indicates that you may hold both at the same time.


Additionally, there are limits to the number of package store permits any person may hold at the same time.  No person and no backer may hold more than six package store permits or druggist permits at the same time.  A person is deemed to have an interest in a package store if:

·       The person directly owns the interest;

·       The person’s spouse, child, or partner own the interest; or

·       An estate, trust, or corporation controlled by the person, spouse, child or partner own the interest.


Forms & Instructions

You must apply online.  You may look at an historical copy of our paper applications and instructions to get a general idea of the information and documentation necessary to complete an online application, however do not submit the paper application.


You may be required to submit some of the below forms as part of your application.  Below is a description of common forms and when they are required.  If a form is marked with an asterisk(*), then it is always required. 





Abandonment Affidavit

Used if there was a prior permit at business location but no alcohol was purchased from prior permittee

Affidavit of Seller’s Unpaid Obligations

Used if your business bought alcohol from the prior permittee

Release of Financial Info. / Personal History*

Must be filled out by permittee and each member of the backer to authorize a background check

Release of Backer Legal Entity Info

Must be signed by a member of backer; allows DCP to obtain financial information if required

CHRO Criminal Conviction Worksheet

Necessary if permittee or member of the backer has a felony history

Consultant/Attorney Representation Authorization

Used if you have an attorney, consultant, or other third-party helping you fill out the application

Provisional Permit Form

Submitted if you want a provisional permit

Backer’s Financial Statement*

Established that your business has the funds to cover initial and anticipated costs and expenses

Grocery Store Sales

Breaks down all sales to determine what percentage of sales are grocery items



