File a consumer complaint

woman and man sitting on couch reading a document

Resolving and filing consumer complaints

Welcome to the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) Complaint Center. We help resolve issues between consumers and businesses. Take a moment to learn about our work and how we can help you.

If you have an issue with a business, first try to resolve the issue by directly contacting them and explaining the problem. If this doesn't work, consider filing a complaint with DCP for further help.

DCP will help you resolve your dispute, but we can't fix every issue. DCP counts on you, the consumer, to help us resolve your issue.

DCP’s role

DCP ensures that businesses comply with consumer laws to prevent deceptive practices. We also enforce licensing rules. If a business breaks the law, DCP can investigate and possibly take legal action on behalf of Connecticut (CT). This could involve working with the business to fix the issue, taking enforcement actions, or imposing fines and penalties.

DCP does not provide legal representation for individuals. It has limited power to handle complaints about customer service, contracts, or quality of work.

Our Complaint Center helps resolve disputes between consumers and businesses. If an individual can't reach an agreement, he or she can take their complaint to court.

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Tips for protecting yourself

DCP can't fix every issue. We count on you, the consumer, to help us. Here's how you can assist:

Is this an area DCP can help with?

Complaints DCP can help with

  • Connecticut-based telemarketers and internet retailers
  • Frauds, scams, misrepresentations, and misleading advertisements
  • Gasoline and heating fuel issues. (Note: we do not set prices for these products)
  • Home improvement contractor
  • New home construction
  • Packaged or manufactured food or bakery items
  • Prescription errors
  • Professionals, tradespeople, and contractors who should be licensed or registered with DCP. Review a list of our license types.  (Note: lawyers and healthcare professionals are not licensed by DCP)
  • Real estate agents, brokers, and appraisers

Complaints that DCP cannot help with

Dispute resolution resources

  • If you have a problem with a product or service, first try talking to the business.
  • Most businesses want happy customers who come back.
  • If you can't return to the store, look for a toll-free phone number on the product packaging or their marketing materials.
  • You can also find contact details on the company’s website.
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Dispute resolution process

The dispute resolution process involves gathering information, communicating with a business, and negotiating a solution. If necessary, consider writing a formal complaint to the business. If that does not work, consider going to small claims court. Click the links below to learn more.

File a consumer complaint

To file a consumer complaint against a business, individual, service provider, product maker, or reseller, please follow the appropriate process below. You can file consumer complaints against a business online, by email, fax, or mail.

  • Send your complaint to DCP using one of the methods below. Include copies of receipts and other paperwork. Keep a copy of your complaint and all paperwork for your records. We may need to contact you for further information. Please provide a daytime phone number and mailing address.
  • All information shared with the State will become part of the official public record. This means it may be accessible to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
  • Additionally, if you are complaining against a business, that business may receive a complete copy of your complaint. This helps the business file a response to your complaint.
  • Anonymous complaints: Online complaints may be submitted anonymously. If you submit anonymously, DCP will have no way to update you on the status of the complaint. Filing an anonymous complaint may limit our ability to perform a complete investigation.

NOTE: Please do not file a complaint using more than one method. Filing multiple complaints may slow down your complaint processing.

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Filing a complaint with DCP

Submit your complaint to DCP online or by mail, email, or fax. Visit the links below for detailed instructions and required forms.

What to expect after filing a consumer complaint

  • Please allow up to a week for DCP to let you know we have received your complaint.
  • The appropriate DCP division will review your complaint to determine if and how we can help.
  • If we can help, we will reach out to the business to find a reasonable resolution. This could take up to four or more weeks.
  • If we cannot resolve your issue or the business does not respond, you can file a lawsuit against the business.
  • If we believe the business has broken the law, we may investigate them on behalf of Connecticut.
  • DCP opens investigations to prevent bad actors from harming additional consumers in the future.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot and do not represent individuals. We represent the State.