Plumber - Continuing Education

Hours Required
  • Plumbing and Piping unlimited contractors - 5 credit hours every two years
  • Plumbing and Piping limited contractors - 5 credit hours every two years
  • Plumbing and Piping unlimited journeyperson - 5 credit hours every two years
  • Plumbing and Piping limited journeyperson - 3 credit hours every two years

For P-6, P-7, PP-1 and PP-2 license types: No continuing education is available at this time therefore these license holders are not obligated to obtain continuing education credits.


Timeline for Completion

  • Contractors - all continuing education must be completed between August 1 of an EVEN-numbered year and July 31 of the EVEN-numbered year two years later, 3 months before renewal
  • Journeypersons - all continuing education must be completed between August 1 of an ODD-numbered year and July 31 of the ODD-numbered year two years later, 3 months before renewal

Note: This CE completion deadline is 3 months before the renewal deadline. CE is not required to be completed before the first renewal.


Proof of Completion

All credential holders must attest to the completion of their required continuing education (CE) as part of the renewal process. Certificates of completion and other related records should be retained by the credential holder for at least four (4) years in case of audit by the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP).


Course Requirements

Courses must be approved by the CT Plumbing Board.

Courses Available

 Schools: to offer a course,

  1. Instructions and Curriculum
  2. Login or create an account at
  3. Go to “Initial Application” > Occupational Trades

Failure to Complete

Failure to complete the required continuing education requirements may subject the licensee to civil fines and the revocation or suspension of their license. 


Upon appropriate showing of a bona fide health or other individual hardship, the commissioner may consider an exception to the continuing education requirements. A loss of income resulting from cancellation of a license is not a bona fide hardship.

request a hardship waiver


For questions, please email

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Why is the continuing education (CE) completion deadline earlier than the renewal deadline?

A. As the renewal period begins well before the expiration date, the 3-month offset ensures that all required CE is completed before the renewal period begins.


