Charitable Solicitation Registration Information

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The Connecticut Solicitation of Charitable Funds Act requires all organizations that solicit money for charitable purposes to register with the Department of Consumer Protection. All paid solicitors and some fundraising counsel must register, post a bond and file certain reports.
The Frequently Asked Questions page provides detailed information about filing as a non-profit.
SELECT THIS LINK to verify a registration status.

New (select one option below):

  • Full Requirements (paper application)  OR   apply online button
    Any organization that solicits contributions for charitable purposes and does not qualify for exemption.
  • Exempt from Full Requirements (online only)   apply online button
    Any organization may claim exemption from the financial requirements and filing fees by qualifying for one of the following exemptions:  
  1. Any duly organized religious corporation, institution or society;
  2. Any parent-teacher association or educational institution, the curricula of which in whole or in part are registered or approved by any state or the United States either or by acceptance of accreditation by an accrediting body; 
  3. Any nonprofit hospital licensed in accordance with the provisions of section 19a-630 or any similar provision of the laws of any other state;
  4. Any governmental unit or instrumentally of any state or the United States;

  5. Any person who solicits solely for the benefit of organizations described in Subdivisions(1)to(4), inclusive, of this section; and

  6. Any charitable organization which normally receives less than fifty thousand dollars in contributions annually, provided such organization does not compensate any person primarily to conduct solicitations.

Organizations whose registration has expired more than 6 months must complete the reinstatement.
Paid Solicitors:
  • Paid Solicitor Information
  • Campaign Report     
      • include the CT charity registration number, check the math, required charity signatures, and verify SLN dates.                                
Fundraising Counsel: