Connecticut Heart Gallery

To learn about any of these children call 1-888-KID-HERO  

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Sweet Amanda is a 16-year-old young lady who needs a patient and accepting family who understands, or is willing to learn about, autism. Within her abilities, Amanda participates in family life and her daily school schedule with ease. She enjoys playing outside, taking a walk in the park, and keeping her hands busy with fidget-toys. When inside, she loves to watch "Veggie-Tales," playing on her tablet or bouncing her yo-yo.
Although loved by her foster family, Amanda cannot stay with them permanently; and a summer-time transition into a family where she can grow up and thrive would be ideal. She attends school five days a week and she has been doing quite well. Numerous supports are in place to help her achieve her fullest potential and she can communicate with some signs and a vocal communication box. Amanda's school works hand in hand with her family, to help her improve her daily living skills while also attending to some occupational and speech needs.
With structure and consistency, Amanda thrives when she knows what to expect. She is somewhat independent at home; undertaking routine self-care and dressing herself when the clothes are set out for her. Due to her teeth brushing routine, she is proud to have no cavities! Amanda is a good sleeper who wakes up happy and well rested. Her foster mother is proud of her and describes her as "a really good kid!" They enjoy shopping or attending church on occasion; although Amanda can become overwhelmingly shy when she sees a lot of new people.
Due to her unique needs, Amanda's family will receive a higher level of training and support while learning how to best meet her needs. Her laughter and bright smile will show you the contentment she feels when she knows she is safe and loved. This happy little lady is eager to join a family where she can be loved for her lifetime!
For information about Amanda contact Nadine McDonald:


This 13-year-old sweet little girl has a bright personality and has been very expressive lately about how important it is for her to be- and feel- part of a family. Aiyanna is a very friendly child who enjoys singing, dancing, gymnastics and cooking; and she longs to share these experiences with a family she can claim as her own.
Overall healthy, Aiyanna has a peanut allergy and is prescribed an epi-pen. Due to trauma she has experienced, she attends clinical support; and this will continue, preferably with a patient and loving family involved, to help her understand her past. A home where she can have her own bedroom will enable Aiyanna to feel safe and respected. She is actively involved in addressing her trauma; and with time and positive supports, there is great potential for Aiyanna to flourish as a resilient and independent young lady.
Supports in her 5th grade classroom have enabled Aiyanna to make great strides in her education. Although still behind on some subjects, she works diligently to overcome any obstacle in her path and her teachers describe her as "a bright, charismatic young lady." When her emotional needs are met, she has an easier time attending to her classwork.
Although well loved by her foster mom, Aiyanna is aware this is not where she will grow up and she is wonders who will raise her. She deserves a family who will emotionally commit to her for a lifetime and be by her side as she learns about her past and plans for her future. She is a child who should worry about making friends and having fun; not worrying about whether or not she has a family. She describes herself as "kind, funny and helpful" and she would love to share these traits with a family. 


For information about Aiyanna contact Nadine McDonald:                       


Jayvion is a 10-year-old, Black/Hispanic, handsome young man who is placed in foster care. Jayvion has a smile that can light up any room and is always very interested in introducing his toys to new people. He loves his stuffies (stuffed animals), lego toys, and likes to play on electronics (i.e. Nintendo switch).  Jayvion is desperately interested in making friends, and being accepted for who he is, however, does require support in this area.


Jayvion has an extensive trauma history related to physical abuse, and chronic neglect in his early childhood years. Children who experience severe and complex trauma often develop "fight or flight" response, struggling with self-regulation, and become easily overwhelmed by their surroundings. Jayvion has struggled with behaviors related to poor impulsivity,  low-frustration tolerance, has difficulty with transition, and presents with poor concentration/hyperactivity. However, he responds very well to clear instructions and responds to knowing what his expectations are.


Jayvion is identified as special education student with the classification of Other Health Impairment, ADHD. School has  been difficult for Jayvion as he has been academically behind, and he is especially self-conscious that he is unable to read at grade level.


Jayvion is looking for a forever family who will love and accept him unconditionally and who are patient and understanding when he feels overwhelmed. Jayvion loves  affection and gives great hugs. Jayvion also likes animals and hopes to have a dog one day.


For information about Jay’Vion contact: Sandra Tapia-Arcos at email:


Finding a family who shares a similar culture and interests are among the wish list items for 15-year-old EddyEddy, also sometimes likes being called Nikki, has some very funny and distinct preferences, loving spicy foods but hating spicy mustard! Their favorite food is spaghetti and meatballs & they like being in the kitchen either cooking or baking and overall being helpful with household chores.


This resilient adolescent currently resides in an institution where they are receiving a high level of care and support from providers. Outside of this, they have a strong affinity for caring for the larger animals, including the cows and horses; and they have had a special love for larger dogs, which provide them comfort and have been especially useful to them in therapyEddy is a typical "teen" who enjoys video games, fishing, and playing or watching basketballTheir favorite NBA team is the Boston Celtics! 


Eddy can describe their ideal family as one with two moms and a large dog, but they are not picky and anything would make them happy. They would thrive in a family where they are an only child, or as the youngest child in the home, benefiting from the leadership and modeling of older siblings. They are very energetic and need two-parents who will be patient with them, both with their behaviors and in the length of transition time it may take for them to feel secure within their relationship.  


Despite having been let down by important adults in the past, and experiencing significant loss and traumatic incidents, Eddy is an empathetic and kind young teen who hopes to become a police officer when they get olderAt times, their adverse life experiences impact their ability to manage their behaviors appropriately, however, they work extremely hard to identify triggering emotions to manage self-controlAs they grow, they will need a patient and guiding hand along the wayThey want more than anything to belong to a family who will take the time to build a trusting, stable, and successful relationship with them…and mean it!


Academically, Eddy receives special education supports, and they respond well to structure and clear expectations. Eddy continually works on reducing negative behaviors in school to fix their mistakes, and identify the causes and emotions leading up to certain behaviors. They are a "work in progress" and their progress has been amazingEddy looks forward to a family being by their side to help them stabilize and grow, and they crave and deserve a secure and loving family where they can believe in his future.  


A longer transition period with ongoing clinical supports for both Eddy and a family will help blend the family unitThis smart, affectionate, and deserving youth eagerly awaits the opportunity to build a relationship with a family with whom they can develop security and belonging; and where they can grow into a healthy and happy young adultAny investment a family places in Eddy will be rewarded ten-fold.


For information about Eddy contact Nadine McDonald:



As with her brother, 'Adam,' the true name of this sweet and fun young lady is being withheld due to ongoing court proceedings, however, 'Ana' is hoping to find a nurturing family where she and her brother can grow up together. 

Singing and music along with painting, clay molding and doing crafts are ways in which 16-year-old Ana loves to spend her time. She is a former gymnast of Caucasian and Puerto Rican decent with long hair and beautiful eyes which shine when she smiles. Ana has many friends with whom she enjoys hanging out and she is developing strong independent living skills to broaden her adolescent years. Cleaning around the home, making her bed, doing laundry and cooking are some of the ways Ana is exhibiting her growth as a young teen. As with any teen, she may require some encouragement and prompting so having a positive parenting role model will go a long way in setting her up for success. 
This personable and friendly girl always steps up to the plate to advocate for herself, her brother, and anyone else in need. While benefiting from structure and consistency, Ana is also flexible and can handle change easily. Her high school career has started off strong with excellent attendance and a strong work ethic to maintain her grades. She has some educational supports during the day to help her achieve her goals. 
Safety and security are paramount needs for Ana, and she longs to belong to a family where she and her brother can enjoy being together. 'Adam' looks up to his big sister and she cherishes their relationship. She is a lover of Chinese food and will happily go out to the buffet for special family dinners. To further her independence and maturity, Ana hopes to obtain her first part time job when school lets out for the summer. Similar to her brother, she has a talent for drawing. 
When she envisions her future, Ana sees herself living within a family alongside her brother where they will be welcomed family members. She deserves to be given unconditional love, support and guidance as she grows up and any family will benefit from getting to know this wonderful young lady.


For information about 'Adam' contact Nadine


Due to ongoing court proceedings, "Adam" is not this young man's true name, however what stands true is how special he is and his hope to find a patient family who will unconditionally provide him with a fresh start in his young life. Adam is 13 years old with a funny and sociable personality. He is of Caucasian and Puerto Rican decent, has a kind and caring heart and is extremely loyal and forgiving. Alongside his sister, 'Ana,' he craves to belong in a family who will stand strong with him, despite any obstacles he encounters. 

Adam works very hard to be the best version of his self both in the home and at school, however, due to many adults failing to meet his emotional needs, he experiences feelings of self-doubt which requires encouragement. He sometimes tries too hard when making friends, and this can negatively impact the friendship. He is working hard on his interactions and is looking forward to meeting new people and forming more healthy friendships. Adam would benefit from a positive adult who can recognize and remind him of his many strengths. Trust does not come easily for him, and a family must be willing to put in the effort and be patient. Once he feels secure, Adam's bright and wonderful personality shines through. 
A strong sibling relationship exists between Adam and his sister, and he learns a lot from spending time with her and sharing experiences. Together, they both hope to find their perfect family, where they can live and grow up together. A positive parental role model would be ideal to help provide guidance as he embarks on a journey toward becoming a successful adolescent, just like his sister. Sharing a home with other children around his age or older, and a family with dogs, would be a perfect match! 
In school, Adam receives support to help to increase his ability to better concentrate and learn. He developed an interest in art which has grown into a great talent. He has also learned ways to express his emotions through his art. Adam never bores of building with Legos, drawing,playing video games, and watching television. He has played on recreational football and wrestling teams, and he enjoys being active. 
Above all, Adam just wants--and deserves--to be loved and know that he and his sister are finally home, together. 



For information about 'Adam' contact Nadine McDonald:



Since the legal proceedings have not yet concluded, Brian is not the true name for this very special 13-year-old boy. What is true, however, is Brian's desire to grow up in a family where he will receive unconditional love and support. Brian is of Caucasian descent and stocky build. He is presently residing in a special setting able to meet his needs, however, he is ready to join a family familiar with, or willing to learn about, Autism. With supports, consistency and structure, Brian has made great strides in learning appropriate behaviors and developing positive social interactions. Although Brian displays dysregulated behavior at times, he has learned to "take space" when he needs a moment or to calm himself down and is learning to communicate when he is upset. A chore chart helps Brian know what needs to be done and he responds well to positive reinforcements. He makes his own bed, eats with utensils, and selects his own outfits for school with pride. Brian is also able to complete many 1 step tasks on his own such as showering, throwing away garbage, and going to the bathroom. 

As an 8 th grade student in an extended day, extended year, educational setting, Brian is working very hard at meeting all his educational goals. He continues to require a high degree of visual supports and staff prompting to complete his work; however, this young man has the resilience to work hard on his self-help skills and following a schedule independently. He enjoys attending school and his teachers are proud of the efforts he puts in each day. 
Watching movies and cartoons are favorite activities which Brian would love to share with a family. His Favorite movies include Toy Story, Cars, and Peanuts. Brian enjoys coloring and crafts his own clock made of construction paper. His joy shines whenever a holiday comes around. 
There are extended family members with whom Brian can spend time, however, they cannot care for him full time. Their involvement in his life is positive and will continue. The family members give Brian a sense of familial connectivity and they will be a support to any family he joins. Attentive, patient and encouraging parents who are willing to work with in-home supportive services will be thrilled to watch Brian as he continues to grow and learn every day. A two-parent home where there are no pets in the home would be ideal. DCF will work as a team with his family to ensure his successful transition into, and ultimate creation of, a family where he can grow for a lifetime. 


For information about 'Brian' contact Sandy Carroll:



A very special family is being sought for 'Connor,' a 17-year-old adolescent. Connor is not his real name due to confidentiality at this point, however, he is a resilient youth ready to be discharged from his residential setting and ready to join a family capable of meeting his diverse medical needs. 

This handsome young man is of Caucasian descent with dark hair and a smile which envelops his whole face. Despite being non-verbal, Connor communicates excitement with his bright eyes and body motions. He is happy overall but at times when he presents as uncomfortable, he needs a family to sooth and comfort him. Connor is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and spastic quadriplegia. His substantial medical concerns will last throughout his lifespan and he is wheelchair dependent, and a home is needed to accommodate his challenges. 
Connor is in the 12th grade where he receives special education services. His teacher reports he is making good progress in all goals and he enjoys social interaction with his friends. Listening to music and toys that make noise brings joy to Connor's daily life. He loves the feel of being outdoors and having stuffed animals around him for comfort. He loves doing arts and crafts and going out into the community in the car.
Given his profound medical condition, Connor will be followed closely by many medical professionals to ensure he maintains his optimum health and any family considering the care of him will need to attend many medical appointments on a regular basis, as well as engage with service providers in the home. 
Connor will require comprehensive care from loving adults for his lifetime and although he will be medically dependent on others for the rest of his life; what he really needs is a family he can depend on. Cole has demonstrated the ability to form positive relationships but is need of a forever family to develop long-term connections with.


For information about 'Connor' contact Sandy


Ten-year-old Isabella, or Bella as she is called, is a robust little girl with light brown hair and fair skin.  Bella is seeking to become a family member with two parents and older siblings willing to learn about her and help her to grow up to be the healthiest and happiest young lady she can become.


"Highly curious and extremely active" are descriptors which come to mind when thinking about Bella's personality.  She likes to give hugs and kisses and enjoys attention and affection from those who care for her.  Having been born with a very rare genetic condition where various amounts of genetic material is missing from one of her chromosomes, as well as some exposure to substances while in utero, Bella is a little girl who will require life-long support and care.  She is overall medically stable; however, it is generally difficult to predict long term outcomes for children with this genetic condition.


Educationally Bella receives supports in school and throughout her extended year program.  A behaviorist works with the school and the after-school program to help everyone best meet Bella's needs. There are times Bella's negative behaviors are able to be redirected, however, her impulsivity and desire for attention sometimes get in her way. 


This little girl loves rainbows and animals. She happily plays on her tablet, makes puzzles or creates with putty.  Her short attention span requires much attention from adults, and music is used to help her calm down at times.  Of all the things Bella enjoys, all of it pales in comparison to the desire for her to be able to join a family where she can receive the unconditional acceptance and love only a family can provide.


For information about Bella contact Nadine MacDonald:



A truly special family in the Norwich/New London area is being sought for 16-year-old "Drew."  Due to pending legal proceedings, Drew is not this young man's real name, however, the need for him to feel loved and secure within a family is very real.  Drew appears physically older than his teenage years, and he is fondly referred to as a "big teddy bear."  Drew is a very tall and husky young man; however, he has a sweet, innocent disposition. 

Drew has a special relationship with some relatives who, although he cannot live with them, love him very much and will remain a part of his life.  A family willing to accept him into their lives will benefit from these extended family relationships and his ideal family would have no younger children as their exuberance can be agitating for him.

Some things Drew would love to do with his family include listening to music, watching YouTube videos and sharing meals.  He loves all types of food!  Drew can keep himself occupied for long periods of time and although it may be difficult at times to understand him verbally, he is patient and will communicate his needs by writing things down.  His Autism diagnosis and limited verbal skills do not limit him in any other way.  He is kind and thoughtful and loves to think about presents and making Christmas lists for others.

A special school environment has been successful in meeting his educational needs, and he is adored by his teachers and school staff.  When his surroundings become overstimulating, he will stand up and begin flapping his hands above his head for about one minute and then he sits back down.  He is not easily flustered and solid communication between school and home provides the structure and consistency he needs for ultimate success.

The legal process for Drew will be on-going for some time, however, stability within a patient family is his most immediate need right now! He will thrive within a family where he feels connected and secure and understands he does not need to move to any other home.

For information about Drew contact Denise


A very special family is being sought for 'Jacob,' a sweet 10-year-old boy.  Jacob is not his real name due to confidentiality, however, he is a resilient young boy who is ready to be discharged from a hospital setting and ready to join a family capable of meeting his medical needs.

This adorable boy is of Caucasian descent with dark hair and a smile that lights up the room.  Jacob is non-verbal and blind but he hears and responds best when told what will be happening, he enjoys toys that make music and vibrate.  At times Jacob will present as uncomfortable but he is able to make noise if he's frustrated or in pain to alert those around him, he needs a family to sooth and comfort him.  Jacob is diagnosed with Hydrocephalus, Epilepsy and Arnold-Chiari malformation. Jacob requires total assistance for all activities of daily life (bathing, dressing, and nutrition).  His medical concerns will be ongoing as he grows up and he is wheelchair dependent.  A home is needed to accommodate his challenges, but nursing supports are available to assist as well as medical training to learn about his specific needs.

Jacob is in the 5th grade where he receives special education services.  His teachers report he is making good progress in all goals and he enjoys social interaction with his peers.  Listening to music and toys that make noise brings joy to Jacob's day.

Jacob will be followed closely by many medical professionals to ensure he maintains his optimum health and any family considering the care of him will need to attend medical appointments on a regular basis, as well as engage with service providers in the home.

Jacob will require comprehensive care from loving adults for his lifetime and although he will be medically dependent on others for the rest of his life; what he really needs is a family that will love him and be by his side forever.


For information about Jacob contact Sandy



Sweet and giggly, 12-year-old Isabella is just like every other little girl who deserves to be part of a family where she is loved and cherished. Having been born prematurely, Isabella, or Bella as she likes to be called, has some medical issues which will stay with her for life. However, this inquisitive and determined little girl never lets her disabilities outshine her abilities! 

Having a very loving and social disposition, Bella blows kisses, claps, and laughs when she expresses affection and is excited. She loves to be hugged and she will hug you back and snuggle while you chat about your day. She is sensitive to some sounds, so her reactions could take the form of screaming or appearing panicked. She is working hard and increasing her language skills, however, she can also communicate through her iPad and let her needs be known. 
Being wheelchair dependent for mobility, Bella also utilizes a stander and is able to "bunny hop" around the home. She receives various therapies to increase her movements, and she loves the feeling of being "stretched" to improve her muscle tone. Working on her independence, Bella can feed herself, drink from a sippy cup and propel her wheelchair to get where she needs to go. Structure and routine are important for her success, and she shows up to her 6 th grade classroom prepared and ready to work. Her positive energy can be felt by her teachers and her friends. 
Given Bella's medical and physical condition, she will be followed closely by professionals, both in and out of the home environment, to ensure she maintains her optimum health. She will need ongoing care from loving adults over her lifetime during which she will reward her family with hugs, smiles and love in return. 


If you are interested in learning more about Bella please contact Holly


View video of Teagan

With his wink and sweet smile, alongside his happy disposition, 14-year-old Teagan is deserving of a one or two parent family who will love him unconditionally while attending to his special needs.  Although ideally his family would already be versed in the needs of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, this is not a requirement to start.  Although he has some very specific and unique challenges, with the right family, he can thrive, and blossom and his family will be rewarded with his reciprocal love and affection.

Described as a daytime “rabbit,” Teagan is an energetic young man who has a hard time sitting still.  He likes to be active and can be impulsive, so holding his hands and keeping him close allows him to engage with the world around him in a safe manner.  Even though he is non-verbal, Teagan can communicate with sign language and can make his needs known by using some sound vocalizations.  Engaging in face-to-face communication enables successful interactions and he understands what is being said to him.   

Teagan enjoys watching TV and smiling and moving to the sound of music. In time, he may have the opportunity to engage in activities such as riding a bike, playing with age-appropriate toys, and independently playing outside, however for the time being, his inability to assess safety requires constant supervision and attention.  He responds well to consistency, routine, structure, and nurturance and his behaviors are not an intentional means to disobey, rather, a consequence of his inability to understand cause and effect. 

Attending therapeutic school where his education is enriched and his social development enhanced, has allowed Teagan to enjoy interactions with his teachers and friends.  While he may struggle to pay attention at times, he always works as hard as he can!  Therapeutic connections will remain in place to help Teagan and his family with a successful transition; and working collaboratively with helping professionals will be crucial to a family’s success.

Parenting Teagan may bring both joys and challenges along the way, but watching him make progress and grow into the special young man he can become will be a lifetime of rewards for him and his family.  


If interested in learning more about Teagan please contact Nadine McDonald:




Talented, outgoing, and chatty are just a few words which come to mind when thinking about Abigail, an almost 14-year-old who is a joy to have around. Because the legal proceedings have not yet concluded, her name is fictional, however the reality is, Abigail is ready to join a family where she can grow up and flourish into adulthood.

This young lady is amazingly talented. She is musically inclined and taught herself to play the Ukelele when she received one as a gift. She can play the piano by ear and her favorite Broadway musical is "Hamilton." As a young person who is invested in a successful future, Abigail would like to join a family who will support her through her high school years and be by her side when she enters college. She excels in the classroom and is noted to be one of the most diligent students. She has many friends at school and provides positive influence on others.

Due to circumstances beyond her control, Abigail was exposed to a lot of turmoil in her young life and has never experienced unconditional maternal love, or a positive father figure. These events caused her to have difficulty maintaining safe space and she needed to receive much clinical support. However, because of her resiliency and fortitude, Abigail has made significant strides regarding her overall well-being, and she eagerly looks forward to having a family she can enjoy shopping with and one whom will sit on the bleachers to cheer her on while she plays softball.

Being active in summer camp where she was elected to be a C.I.T. (counselor in training) and the teen group at Church are ways Abigail maintains healthy friendships and keeps herself busy. She has positive relationships with a few important adults in her life, and these connections will continue. As with any typical teenager, Abigail needs prompting to keep her room clean and use her words to talk through her feelings. Her social worker reports she is a "cool kid who is fun to be with and anyone would be lucky to know her!"

There is so much for Abigail, and her future family, to look forward to as she grows and matures. With supports and positive role models to guide her, Abigail's potential is endless.

If you are interested in learning more about Abigail please contact Denise Lopez:


A very special family in Connecticut is being sought for Logan, a sweet almost two-year-old little boy. Logan is not his real name due to confidentiality but he is a unique and special child who is ready to be discharged from a hospital setting and join a family capable of meeting his complex medical needs.


This adorable boy is of Caucasian descent with brown curly hair and beautiful blue eyes.  He is non-verbal and legally blind but can hear some words or noises. He enjoys having his head rubbed, listening to music, and holding toys that vibrateHe can make his needs known by movements or gestures but above all, he needs and deserves to be within a family where he will be nurtured and loved.  A patient family willing to sooth and comfort him who are aware, educated and confident in his medical needs will be supported by a host of medical providers and extra training.


Due to having been deprived of oxygen prior to his birth, Logan has several medical conditions including cerebral palsy, global developmental delay, visual impairment, hypoxemia (an abnormally low concentration of oxygen in the blood) seizures, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and he has a lot of medical appointmentsThe permanent damage caused in utero renders him unable to walk and be wheelchair dependent, but he is a fighter through and through and faces many obstacles every day.


This sweet toddler receives physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy two times per week, and he is adored by all the adults who care for him.  He will always be closely followed by many outside medical professionals to ensure he maintains his optimum health, but what he truly needs is to be inside a family unit where he is read to, cuddled and allowed to blossom to the best of his abilities.  


There are many unknowns for Logan's future, however, it is known he will be better off in the loving arms of a family right now, and not in a hospitalCaring for him will bring both challenges and joys in a family's life, however, this deserving little pumpkin will benefit greatly from being in an atmosphere where he can grow, learn, and be loved!



If you are interested in learning more about Logan, please contact Holly Nesdale:


Meet 15-year-old Mahki who is yearning to join a family in Connecticut who will share with him all the joys and challenges adolescence brings. He is a friendly young man who is respectful and enjoys in engaging with others. He eagerly awaits the opportunity to build a relationship with a family with whom he can develop a sense of security and belonging. 

Due to exposure to significant traumatic events in his past, as well as the on-going rejection by many adults, Mahki struggles with allowing himself to be vulnerable in a relationship and his family will need to be patient and supportive while he, and his family, continue to work with clinical supports to overcome his past. He needs to be reassured adults can be safe and he can rely on them. Trust in a family's willingness to 'not give up' on him while he attends to his strong emotions will be a key element to his success. To expect him to be 'quick' in his ability to heal and address his past will be unrealistic; and he will require constant reassurance he is worth the wait. 
Mahki is a resilient youth who enjoys the typical adventures of any teenager. He enjoys caring for Hermit crabs and other similar creatures. He is creative, using his mind to build building and put things together. Additionally, he enjoys riding his scooter, playing video games, and reading. 
Overall, Mahki needs a very special family who will commit to giving him the opportunity to know and feel what it's like to be loved and wanted. He wants more than anything to belong to a home and a family, and that family needs to be willing to 'prove' he is worthy of this dream. 
Mahki is a smart, handsome, and deserving young man who needs a family in his life to help him grow and be successful. He is looking for a place where he can grow into a healthy and happy young adult, where he will be provided all the feelings belonging to a family everyone deserves.


If you are interested in learning more about Mahki, please contact Nadine McDonald:




Due to pending legal proceedings for this young man we must change his first name to respect confidentialityAnd hence, we'd like to introduce you to JohnnyA special home is being sought for this handsome guy of Caucasian/Hispanic descent. Johnny is a 17-year-old who has some significant challenges including a seizure disorder controlled with medications and Autism, for which he receives numerous supportive servicesAn ideal family for Johnny will have parents with a flexible schedule to accommodate his in-home providers that will continue to support him and his family.


He thoroughly enjoys watching TV,  playing with any toy balls that he can kick around, and playing with sensory toys. Although he is non-verbal, he is able to make noises to make his needs known. Some of his favorite foods are rice, beans, chicken, nuggets, fries, chips and applesauce squeezable pouches. Specialized care for Johnny includes helping him make improvements every day in his overall functioning and daily living activitiesJohnny has a sweet and inquisitive disposition; he is eager to explore things around him and he can be content playing with building or stacking blocks.  


Johnny attends school where he is doing well and making progress towards his learning goalsHe is a high functioning young man who receives Special Education services including speech and language as well as a one-to-one paraprofessional to help him be successful. 


An organized and patient family and with a knowledge autism or willingness to learn more about autism would best meet Johnny’s needs as developing meaningful relationships and building trust are key elements in Johnny’s current clinical goals.  


A higher level of training and supports with be offered to Johnny's new family due to the complexity of his needsAlthough parenting Johnny may not be “typical” he is just like any other young adolescent who needs a family by his side.  



If you are interested in learning more about Logan, please contact Sandy Carroll:





A special family in Connecticut is being sought for an adorable 8-year-old boyBobby is not his real name due to confidentiality, however, he is a resilient young boy who is ready to be discharged from a hospital setting to join a family able to meet his medical needs. Bobby loves watching television, he enjoys musical cartoons as well as Disney shows and moviesBath time is one of his favorite times of the day! Bobby is easy going and very sweet, soft things such as blankets or socks are soothing and comforting for Bobby. Bobby deserves a family to care for him while making memories together.


This adorable boy is African-American with dark hair and a smile that will melt your heartBobby is non-verbal and unable to walk or crawl, he has chronic lung disease, gastric issues requiring g-tube feedings and cerebral palsyBobby high fives those familiar to him and he expresses joy by gleefully clapping his handsHis medical concerns will be ongoing as he grows up and he is wheelchair dependent. A home is needed to accommodate his challenges, but nursing supports are available to assist as well as medical training to learn about his specific needs


Bobby has not attended school yet but it is anticipated that he will be in grade 1, once he is able to be enrolled. Educational and developmental assessments will be completed to determine goals and objectives for Bobby in a school setting


Bobby will be followed closely by many medical professionals to ensure he maintains his optimum health and any family considering the care of him will need to attend medical appointments on a regular basis, as well as engage with service providers in the home. Bobby will require comprehensive care from loving adults for his lifetime and although he will be medically dependent on others for the rest of his life; what he really needs is a family that will love him and be by his side forever.


If you are interested in learning more about Logan, please contact Sandy Carroll:




Meet Alejandra, a fun and loving 12-year-old of African American and Mexican descent. Alejandra, or Allie, strongly desires to find their forever home and build connections and attachments with others. They want nothing more than to feel like they belong and to be a part of a loving family.

With a beautiful bubbly personality, Allie can grab the attention of anyone around her. Allie enjoys swimming, arts & crafts, music, and playing with her dolls. They particularly love singing the songs of the Broadway musical “Hamilton”. Allie is very friendly and loves to talk and spend time with others.

Allie has faced many traumatic events in their short life and will receive ongoing clinical support to help them learn ways to regulate and understand their emotions and their past. They would benefit from a home with positive role models, structure, and routine. Most of all, a family that can provide love and commitment would help Allie strive to become the best version of themselves. Allie wants nothing more in the world than a place to call home! A home where they feel safe, secure, and most of all loved unconditionally.


To learn more about Allie, please contact Mary Manning:



David is a 13-year-old legally blind, Black/African American male. David is a very sweet, funny, playful, energetic, and kind young man who is longing to develop attachments. David enjoys individualized attention, spending time outdoors, riding his bicycle, playing basketball, remote control cars, stuffed animals, listening to music, fidget toys and using his tablet. David is very skilled at navigating all things electronic. His favorite foods are hot dogs, french-fries, cereal, waffles, and southern style home cooked meals. 

David has a significant history of complex trauma for severe physical neglect, physical abuse, suspected sexual abuse and multiple disrupted attachments/losses. Much of his current presentation should be considered in the context of attachment and trauma symptoms versus strictly through a behavioral lens. David presents with emotional and behavioral dysregulation which includes mood lability, irritability, verbal and physical aggression, impulsivity, and head banging. The verbal/physical aggression and the head banging are essentially his way of protecting himself. This is typically in response to difficulty expressing his emotions, being bullied, limit setting, anticipatory anxiety, and not being able to engage in a preferred activity, such as using his tablet. David is typically responsive to taking space, redirection, praise, and incentives. Once regulated he is able to process his emotions and behaviors. 


David is temporarily placed at Adelbrook until a foster home is identified. David longs to be part of a family and would benefit from a home with a high level of supervision, structure, predictable routines, and consistency. Given his history of complex trauma and multiple disrupted attachments, David would do best with a patient, attentive and supportive caregiver







To learn more about David, please contact Tyler




Meet David, a very special 17-year-old young man who is looking for a family to love and care for him. David is not legally free for adoption so his name was changed to keep his identity private but a specialized family who is familiar with autism and Down Syndrome would be ideal. Although he is doing very well in a hospital setting, David would love to join a family and enjoy all the fun a family can bring into his life. He is eager to join a family who will love him unconditionally and one whom will accept a higher level of training to help him continue on his path to becoming a successful young man.

David loves watching game shows and his favorite show is Jeopardy! He also loves music and dancing along to songs and he enjoys playing on technology devices such as an iPad. Fidget toys also bring David comfort, and he likes to keep them close by. Last year David participated in Unified Sports teams for basketball and baseball, and he loved it!

David has a limited vocabulary, and he repeats some phrases but is able to make his needs known by using facial expressions and making noises. Although he has an overall contented and happy disposition, he can let those around him know when he is upset or unhappy.

David has been challenged with several medical issues throughout his life but has a medical team in place to be sure his needs are met. David can take some foods by mouth but is primarily fed mostly by a g-tube. David needs assistance with daily living skills.

When in a consistent routine and structured environment David does his very best. David has a team of helping professionals who love to spend time with him as they help him throughout the day. He receives nursing care and has adaptive equipment to help him perform tasks.

Although David has faced many challenges, there is much hope for his future. He needs a family who can walk beside him and help him maintain that hope through his lifetime journey. Working collaboratively with helping professionals will be crucial to a family’s success and will entail much time on the part of caregivers.


If you are interested in learning more about David, please contact Sandy Carroll:



Foreign is a six-year-old African American who has been in DCF care since 2021, she is legally free for adoption.  Foreign is a solid built child, with brown skin, short black hair, and deep, twinkling brown eyes. She enjoys playing on her tablet/cell phone and with baby dolls. She can be silly at times and loves to laugh and play.  Foreign is up to date with her medical and dental needs, she receives specialty care at Connecticut Children`s Medical Center`s Cardiology Department for a slight heart murmur that does not affect her daily functioning.  Foreign is currently prescribed medication treat her hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Foreign will be starting first grade in August 2024. Foreign does well in school and appears to enjoy it.  Since she has been on meds for ADHD, there has been a notable decrease in disruptive behaviors.Despite her behavior getting better in school, Foreign continues to struggle in the foster home with following directions. She has become physically aggressive toward foster mother in the past when she has not gotten her way. Foreign also struggles with sleeping and will refuse to remain in her bed throughout the night and will wake up several times during the night.  Foreign has a lotof issues that she deal with on a daily basis from emotional to behavioral.  Foreign will be in need of further behavioral health intervention to continue to address these behaviors and her history of trauma. Foreign needs a family loving family unit that is structured and follows a routine. She requires clear expectations and boundaries and when she misbehaves, she is in need of consistent redirection.



If interested in learning more about Foreign, please contact Adam


Joshanna is an eleven-year-old Hispanic who is legally free for adoption.Joshanna appears to be an average sized 11 year old girl, who has a lot of energy. Joshanna is a kind, funny, and entertaining girl who enjoys putting on shows and art. Joshanna is up-to-date medically and with her immunizations and with her dental needs. Joshanna is currently prescribed medication to treat her hyperactivity and impulsivity. Joshanna is going into the 6th grade. Joshanna has no attendance concerns but does have challenging behaviors in school from refusing to start or complete her work, to aggressiveness. She currently attends a specialized program that offers ABA, OT, PT and clinical social work interventions. Her behaviors have improved significantly since she began this program. Joshanna has a lotof issues that she deals with that range from emotional to behavioral. Joshanna will be in need of further behavioral health intervention to continue to address these behaviors and her history of trauma. Joshanna needs a loving family unit that is willing to provide for all of her needs and ensure that she receives the support and intervention she requires in order for her to grow into a well-adjusted adult.  


If interested in learning more about Joshanna, please contact Adam

Photographed by:  Patty Swanson - Certified Professional Photographer (2017 CTPPA Award of Excellence;  2014-15 March of Dimes' Mission Triangle Award;  2012-2013 2x Connecticut Photographer of the Year, Creative and Art/Electronic Imaging.) and