Regular Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 9, 2021, 10:00 a.m. – 12:07 p.m.
(Online via Microsoft Teams)
The 229th meeting of the CT Council on Developmental Disabilities was held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:07 p.m. on Microsoft Teams.
Presiding: James Hexter, Chair
Recorder of Minutes: Donna Devin, Program Assistant
Voting Members Present: Chuck Bergamo; Vice Chair, April Burke, Kevin Daly, Antonia Edwards, Ann Gionet, James Hexter; Chair, Bryan Klimkiewicz, Joyce Lewis, Ellyn Little, Lauren Traceski, Brenda Stenglein,
Members Absent: Mary Beth Bruder, Patricia Richardson, Louis St. Felix,
New Non-Voting Council Members Present: Emily Ball, Michelle Baughman, Andy Cirioli III, Doris Maldonado, Alfred Piehl, Kaitlynn Ramos
Staff: Walter Glomb, Director
Members of the Public: Melissa Cruz, Julie Ball, Deborah Dorfman, Jennifer Jenkins, Joshua Mears
1. Call to Order: With a quorum present, James Hexter, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
2. Public Comment: Deborah Dorfman introduced herself to the Council. She is the new Executive Director of Disability Rights Connecticut. Melissa Cruz is a new member of Partners in Policymaking.
3. Approval of Agenda:April Burke motioned to approve the agenda. Chuck Bergamo seconded the motion. The agenda was approved.
4. Approval of January 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes: Chuck Bergamo motioned to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Brenda Stenglein. The minutes were approved.
5. Public Comment: Deborah Dorfman introduced herself to the Council. She is the new Executive Director of Disability Rights Connecticut. Melissa Cruz is a new member of Partners in Policymaking.
6. Report from the Council Director: Walter Glomb, Council Director, gave the Director’s report. The Council continues to pursue its objective to Close Southbury Training School. Responses are being awaited from the recipients of the letters the Council sent out regarding a report that addresses the issue.
The Arc Connecticut is putting the final touches on a campaign to promote Self Directed Services. Dr. Linda Rammler is creating a webinar targeting transition-age students.
The Connecticut Supported Decision Making Coalition continues to give presentations on Supported Decision Making and are preparing to publish a booklet titled Promoting Independence in Connecticut, Supported Decision-Making as an Alternative to Guardianship and Conservatorship.
Joyce Lewis said she has heard a lot of positive feedback regarding the Building a Great Life webinars attended via Zoom. Upcoming webinars for April through September will cover Building a Livable Community through Friendships, Financial Literacy, Employment, Housing, and Supported Decision Making and Other Alternatives to Guardianship. The schedule for the webinars is posted on the UCONN UCEDD website at: https://uconnucedd.org/bagl-resources/
Partners in Policymaking welcomed a new class of 21 members on February 19th via Zoom. Projects required by the students to meet graduation criteria will address Council Objectives.
The Cross Disability Lifespan Alliance is reorganizing in the wake of the tragic passing of Daria Smith, the Executive Director of the State Independent Living Council (SILC), and the sudden resignation of Melissa Marshall, the Project Coordinator. The Alliance Steering Committee will meet later in March to discuss a new organization.
The Parent Leadership & Encouragement Group, hoping to increase their number of members, has created a brochure for prospective members. It will be distributed via Community Health Center Association of Connecticut, Special Olympics, Department of Child and Family Services (DCF) and Department of Developmental Services (DDS)..
A meeting was held with the new officers of People First of Connecticut. Their plans and funding requirements for the year were reviewed. They are making fundraising a priority this year, because it is their last year of funding by the Council under the current State Five-Year Plan.
Dr. Linda Rammler from UCONN UCEDD has developed a “do it yourself” (DIY) Customized Employment training. PATH hosted the webinar. A manual is being created of the PowerPoint presentation. The manual and webinar will be available at the Building a Great Life (BGL) website and through PATH, Arc Connecticut, Special Education Parent Teacher Organization (SEPTO), and other advocacy groups.
A survey on Livable Communities is available to take at: https://ctcdd.cal.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eFeEIWmoKY70otM
The data will be used in a report to inform state, city and town leaders about the needs of individuals with disabilities who live in their regions. The Council will also use this information to identify which communities are best for people who have disabilities.
Goodwin University is all set to begin its Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) in September 2021. won’t begin until the fall of 2021. A detailed report on the development of the Post-Secondary Education Program has been created by Dr. Linda Rammler for use by other colleges and universities in designing a CTP program. PATH also hosted a PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Rammler on the topic.
After the Director of the Council reached out to the Deputy Commissioner on Transportation, On Demand Transportation discussions will continue in March with Richard Andreski, Bureau Chief of Public Transportation at the CT Department of Transportation. On February 10, the Council Director participated in a panel discussion on transportation challenges and opportunities for people with disabilities and the aging population in Connecticut. The panel was held by the University of Connecticut Engineering for Human Rights Initiative.
CT-KASA has been very busy. They have more materials to offer on the transition to adult healthcare that includes telehealth training available at: https://vimeo.com/273826364
The Director of the Council co-presented with a CT-KASA member on the healthcare needs of young adults with disabilities to a nursing students’ group on February 25th. They also sponsored an ABLE Accounts presentation for young adult with disabilities.
Current legislation proposals are in the works that would increase access to affordable, accessible and available Housing for people with disabilities in Connecticut. Information can be found at: https://www.pschousing.org/sites/default/files/HOMEConnecticut_2021_Agenda_for_web.pdf
The new Council website is being updated at: https://portal.ct.gov/CTCDD
On March 10, the Director of the Council will begin a two-week training to be authorized as a Content Author for the site. Once the Director is trained, the Council Program Assistant will be trained in the procedure.
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month and this year the Council celebrates fifty years of service to individuals who live with developmental disabilities in Connecticut. In 1971, Governor Thomas Meskill created the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities and enable Connecticut to receive federal funding for developing and implementing a plan to meet the needs for services to persons with developmental disabilities. Now, through the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, the Council continues to invest federal funds in advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities that contribute to a system of community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that enable individuals with developmental disabilities to exercise self-determination, be independent, be productive, and be integrated and included in all facets of community life.
In honor of the Council’s fifty years of services, Governor Lamont has issued a Proclamation, a recognition virtually impossible to secure during this Covid-19 crisis.
7. Budget Report:The Council’s Disability Policy Specialist is on medical leave. The budget is on track and staff continues to look for opportunities to save money and cut back on costs whenever possible.
8. Discussion of Five-Year Plan Development and Process: Council Members have until March 31st to review the draft of the new Five-Year Plan and make comments. A special Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 20th to review the new plan. Following the review, the Council plans to release it for public comments.
9. Announcements and Adjournment:Chuck Bergamo made a motion for adjournment. Brenda Stenglein seconded the motion. The meeting concluded at 12:07 p.m. The next Council meeting will be a special meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at a time to be determined, online, via Microsoft Teams.