Sign up for CT Alerts
I understand and acknowledge that the CT Alert ENS is a State of Connecticut Emergency Notification System and that not all municipalities in the state are participating in this system. I further understand that if the municipality in which I reside or for which I have requested notification of an emergency is not participating in the system that I will still receive state emergency notifications from this system. The municipal authority may independently send out notifications depending upon the system utilized by that municipality. It is my responsibility to determine whether or not the municipality in which I reside or for which I have requested notification of an emergency is participating in the system. I understand that I indemnify, defend and hold harmless the State of Connecticut, its political subdivisions, agencies, officials, employees, representatives, agents, successors and assigns against any and all losses and expenses, including any costs and fees, arising out of any claims, demands, suits or judgments, pending or threatened, in any forum, in connection with the use or release of information obtained from me or for any failure of equipment or procedure in connection with the emergency notification system. This registration information may be disclosed to third parties for the sole purpose of the emergency notification system or as otherwise required by law.
I understand that it is my obligation to provide notification of any changes in registration data.
NOTICE: Any false statement made herein which I do not believe to be true and which statement is intended to mislead a public servant in the performance of his or her official function is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 53a-157b.