Petition No. 747
100 John Street and South Cherry Street, Wallingford
Staff Report
November 17, 2005

On November 8, 2005, the Connecticut Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative (CMEEC) submitted a petition (Petition) to the Connecticut Siting Council (Council) for a declaratory ruling that no Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need is required for the proposed addition of two 2 MW emergency generators at 100 John Street, Wallingford and the relocation of one existing 2 MW emergency generator from 100 John Street to South Cherry Street, Wallingford.

This Petition was field reviewed by Council member Phil Ashton and Michael Perrone of the Council staff on November 10, 2005. Also present at the field review were Ray Smith, P.E., Director, Wallingford Electric Division; Richard Hendershot, P.E., General Manager, Wallingford Electric Division; and Gabriel Stern of CMEEC.

The emergency generators are being proposed pursuant to ISO-New England’s (ISO-NE) Demand Response Winter Supplemental program. This program seeks to secure up to 450 MW of demand-side or generator resources for this coming winter to respond to concerns about region-wide reliability due to fuel supply issues raised by the hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico.

There are currently two 2 MW diesel generators located in trailers at the 100 John Street site. (There are also two 2 MW diesel generators located in trailers at the South Cherry Street site.) The 100 John Street site is the property of the Wallingford Electric Division (WED). One of the existing generators at the John Street site would be relocated to the South Cherry Street site because the John Street site is more easily accessible during the winter. As such, CMEEC proposes to locate a generator at the South Cherry Street site first.

At the John Street site, two proposed generators would be located in a fenced area where an existing generator is being removed (and relocated). The John Street site is industrial and surrounded by WED buildings, a waste-water treatment facility, and an adjacent substation. There are no homes in the vicinity of the site. No residences are expected to be able to view the new or existing generators. Also, the units at the John Street site are not expected to be audible outside of the WED property.

The South Cherry Street site is on the property of Cytec, located adjacent to Route 5. It is also an industrial area. The proposed (relocated) generator will be visible from Route 5, but will be located adjacent to two existing (and already visible) generators. The generators at this site will not be visible from any residences. The nearest residence (approx. 1,500’ away) is located across Route 5 and behind a convenience store, which blocks the view of the generators. Given the distance, the generators are not expected to be audible from the nearest home.

All new generators will be similar in size to existing generators. The new generators would be 44’ long by 12’ wide and would look like trailers with their "box" shape. The overall height is no more than 15’, with 18" diameter stacks with an extension up to 12’ if required for permit purposes.

The existing generating units and, initially, the units to be added as part of the proposed project would be permitted under the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulations as emergency generators authorized to operate until ISO-NE Operating Procedure 4 (OP-4), Step 12. New source review applications have been filed with DEP, and approval is anticipated on or before June 1, 2006. If granted, these permits would limit operation of the units to less than 500 hours per year, but would allow operation of the units during other critical periods in addition to OP-4.

Overall, the project would result in a modest net addition of one generator at each site.