PETITION NO. 1645 – VCP Mansfield LF, LLC d/b/a Verogy petition for a declaratory ruling, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §4-176 and §16-50k, for the proposed construction, maintenance and operation of a 1.8-megawatt AC solar photovoltaic electric generating facility and associated equipment to be located at the former Mansfield Landfill, 221 Warrenville Road, Mansfield, Connecticut, and associated electrical interconnection.
PETITION (recd. 10/15/24)
Petition Narrative, 10/15/24
Appendix A - Equipment Specifications, TCLP Report
Appendix B - Project Plans
Appendix C - Stormwater Management Report
Appendix D - Operation and Maintenance Plan
Appendix E - Decommissioning and Restoration Plan
Appendix F - Sample Notice Letter, List of Officials, Agencies, and Abutting Property Owners
Appendix G - USFWS and NDDB Review
Appendix H - SHPO Review Letter
Appendix I - FAA Determination
Appendix J - Wetlands Report
Council Letter to Town of Mansfield, 10/16/24
Council State Agency Comment Memorandum, 10/16/24
Council Incomplete Notice, 10/21/24
Council Acknowledgement of Complete Petition, 10/23/24
Council Set Date for Decision, 12/05/24
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Comments, 11/20/24
Schedule, 10/15/24
Schedule, 10/21/24
Schedule, 10/23/24
Schedule, 12/05/24
Service List, 10/15/24
PETITIONER - VCP Mansfield LF, LLC d/b/a Verogy, LLC
Petitioner Response to Council Incomplete Notice, 10/23/24
Revised Appendix G (USFWS and NDDB Review), 12/02/24
State Listed Species Protection Plan, 12/02/24