PETITION NO. 1642 - The Connecticut Light and Power Company d/b/a Eversource Energy petition for a declaratory ruling, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §4-176 and §16-50k, for the proposed Danbury Underground Cable Replacement Project consisting of the replacement and partial relocation of its existing 115-kilovolt (kV) 1270 and 1337 high pressure fluid filled (HPFF) electric transmission cables with cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) electric transmission cables along approximately 3.6 miles of existing and new right-of-way between Triangle Street Substation and Middle River Substation in Danbury, Connecticut and related electric transmission cable and substation improvements.
PETITION (recd. 09/27/24)
Petition Filing, 09/26/24
Council Letter to City of Danbury, 09/30/24
Council Set Date for Decision, 11/21/24
Council Interrogatories to Petitioner, Set One, 12/04/24
Council Interrogatories to Petitioner, Set Two, 01/15/25
Council on Environmental Quality Comments, 10/23/24
Schedule, 09/30/24
Schedule, 11/21/24
Schedule, 12/04/24
Schedule, 01/15/25
Service List, 09/27/24
PETITIONER - The Connecticut Light and Power Company d/b/a Eversource Energy
Petitioner Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set One, 12/20/24
Petitioner Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set Two, 02/04/25