PETITION NO. 1611 – LSE Scutum LLC and LSE Bootes LLC (Lodestar Energy) petition for a declaratory ruling, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §4-176 and §16-50k, for the proposed construction, maintenance and operation of a 1.93-megawatt AC solar photovoltaic electric generating facility located at 141 Town Farm Road, and Parcel Nos. 86-326 and 86-164, Abbe Road, Enfield, Connecticut, and associated electrical interconnection.

PETITION (recd. 02/08/24)
Petition Narrative, 02/08/24 
Exhibit 1 - Site Plan
Exhibit 2 - Equipment Specifications 
Exhibit 3 - Operations and Maintenance Plan
Exhibit 4 - Decommissioning Plan
Exhibit 5 - Abutters Notification
Exhibit 6 - Certification of Service
Exhibit 7 - Environmental Assessment
Exhibit 8 - Noise Analysis
Exhibit 9 - Carbon Debt Analysis


Council Letter to Town of Enfield, 02/13/24
Council State Agency Comment Memorandum, 02/13/24
Town of Enfield Requests for Intervenor Status and Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/07/24
Audet Request for Intervenor Status and Council Acknowledgement, 03/11/24
Krasinkiewicz Request for Intervenor Status and Council Acknowledgement, 03/11/24
Extension of Public Comment Deadline Request and Council Acknowledgement, 03/15/24
Cox Request for Intervenor Status and Council Acknowledgement, 03/15/24
Council Decision on Town of Enfield Request for Status and Public Hearing, 03/28/24
Council Decision on Audet Request for Intervenor Status, 03/28/24
Council Decision on Krasinkiewicz Request for Intervenor Status, 03/28/24
Council Decision on Cox Request for Intervenor Status, 03/28/24
Council Completeness Review and Schedule, 04/11/24
Council Interrogatories to Petitioner, 04/18/24
Council Memorandum Regarding Request for Consent to Extend Final Decision Deadline, 05/29/24


Council on Environmental Quality Comments, 03/01/24

May 16, 2024 Hearing Documents, 04/11/24
1. Instruction for Public Access to Remote Public Hearing
2. Public Hearing Notice 
3. Hearing Program
4. Citizens Guide to Siting Council Procedures; and
5. Proposed Facility Site Plan 
Hearing Procedures and Pre-Hearing Conference Memorandum, 04/18/24
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 05/16/24 (Passcode: *OqvKp1&)

Council Memorandum Regarding the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session on June 4, 2024
Notice of Cancellation of June 4, 2024 Continued Evidentiary Hearing Session, 06/03/24

Council Memorandum Regarding the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session on August 6, 2024
1. Instructions for Access to the Rescheduled August 6, 2024 Continued Evidentiary Hearing Session
2. Hearing Program (currently not available)


Hearing Transcript 2 p.m., 05/16/24
Public Session Transcript 6:30 p.m., 05/16/24
Council Transcript Memorandum, 06/03/24


Schedule, 02/09/24
Schedule, 03/15/24
Schedule, 04/11/24
Schedule, 04/18/24
Schedule, 05/17/24
Schedule, 06/03/24


Service List, 02/09/24
Service List, 03/28/24
Service List, 04/22/24
Service List, 04/30/24


Hearing Program, 05/16/24





Petitioner Sign Posting Affidavit, 05/09/24
Petitioner Response to Town of Enfield Interrogatories, 05/09/24
Petitioner Response to Council Interrogatories, 05/09/24
Interrogatory Exhibits
1 - Boundary Map
2 - Operations and Maintenance Plan
3 - Supplemental Noise Analysis
4 - Photolog
5 - State Historic Preservation Office Letter
6 - TCLP Testing
7 - Screening Plan and Photo Simulations


Procedural Correspondence
Petitioner Request for Addition to Service List, 04/30/24
Petitioner Witness List, 05/09/24
Petitioner Request to Reschedule Hearing, 05/28/24
Petitioner Response to Council's Request for Consent to Extend Final Decision Deadline, 05/30/24


Motions and Objections


PARTY - Town of Enfield (Town)
Town of Enfield Request for Intervenor Status and Request for Public Hearing, 03/06/24
Pre-Filed Testimony of Thomas Tyler, 05/08/24
Pre-Filed Testimony of Karen LaPlante, 05/09/24


Procedural Correspondence
Town of Enfield Notice of Addition to Service List, 04/22/24
Town of Enfield Interrogatories to Petitioner, Set One, and Request for Production of Documents, 05/02/24
Town of Enfield Witness List, 05/09/24
Town of Enfield Response to Council's Request for Consent to Extend Final Decision Deadline, 05/29/24


Motions and Objections


GROUPED INTERVENORS - Barbara Audet, Jennifer Krasinkiewicz, and John Cox (RES)

Audet Request for Intervenor Status, 03/08/24
Krasinkiewicz Request for Intervenor Status, 03/08/24
Cox Request for Intervenor Status, 03/15/24

Procedural Correspondence


Motions and Objections