
PETITION NO. 1609 – TRITEC Americas, LLC notice of election to waive exclusion from Connecticut Siting Council jurisdiction, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §16-50k(e), and petition for a declaratory ruling, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §4-176 and §16-50k, for the proposed construction, maintenance and operation of a 0.999-megawatt AC solar photovoltaic electric generating facility located at 250 Carter Street, Manchester, Connecticut, and associated electrical interconnection.


PETITION (recd. 01/26/24)
Petition Narrative, 01/24/24
Notice of Tritec Americas LLC's Election to Waive Exclusion of Its Proposed Facility from Siting Council Jurisdiction, 01/24/24 
Appendix A - Figures
Appendix B - Ecological Resources
Appendix C - DEEP Correspondence
Appendix D - Cultural Resources
Appendix E - Product Information
Appendix F - FAA Determination
Appendix G - USACE Wetland Determination Forms
Exhibit A - Notices
Exhibit B - Civil Plan Set
Exhibit C - Stormwater Management Report
Exhibit D - Operations and Management Plan
Exhibit E - Decommissioning Plan
Exhibit F - Carbon Debt Analysis
Exhibit G - Environmental Assessment
Exhibit H - Photographic Site Documentation

Council Letter to Town of Manchester, 01/29/24
Council Letter to Town of Bolton, 01/29/24
Council State Agency Comment Memorandum, 01/29/24
Council on Environmental Quality Request for Extension of Time to Submit Comments and Council's Extension Decision, 02/01/24
Urbanetti Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/22/24
Jeamel Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/26/24
Duncan Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/26/24
Volpe Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/26/24
Lemoine Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/26/24
Frey Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/26/24
Carroll Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/26/24
Lerch Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/27/24
Fuerst Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/27/24
Svalestad Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/27/24
J. Davitt Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/27/24
Graver Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/28/24
L. Davitt Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 02/28/24
Matrick and Starkel Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/01/24
Purcell Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/01/24
B. Woodwall Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/04/24
L. Woodwall Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/04/24
Ortiz Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/05/24
Hewett Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/05/24
Stegeman Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/05/24
Thulin Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/05/24
Paro Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/06/24
Knybel Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/06/24
Richard Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/06/24
Welnicki Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/06/24
Schnabel Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/08/24
Bolduc Request for Public Hearing and Council Acknowledgement, 03/08/24
Council Decision on State Representative Doucette Request for Public Hearing, 03/15/24
Council Decision on State Representative Weir Request for Public Hearing, 03/15/24
Council Decision on Town of Manchester Request for Public Hearing, 03/15/24
Council Decision on Manchester Planning and Zoning Commission Request for Public Hearing, 03/15/24
Council Decision on Town of Bolton Request for Public Hearing, 03/15/24
Council Decision on Requests for Public Hearing, 03/15/24
Council Completeness Review and Schedule, 03/28/24
Council Interrogatories to Petitioner, 04/02/24
Welnicki Request for Party Status and Council Acknowledgement, 04/05/24
Town of Manchester Request for Party Status and Council Acknowledgement, 04/10/24
Council Procedural Correspondence with Ray Welnicki, 04/10/24
Schnabel Request for Intervenor Status and Council Acknowledgement, 04/17/24
Manchester Advocates for Responsible Solar Development Request for Intervenor Status and Council Acknowledgement, 04/17/24
Petitioner Request for Extension of Time to Exchange Interrogatories and Council Decision, 04/18/24
Petitioner Request for Extension of Time to Submit Pre-Filed Testimony and Council Request for an Extension of Time for a Final Decision, 04/24/24
Council Decision on Town of Manchester Request for Party Status, 04/26/24
Council Decision on Raymond Welnicki Request for Party Status, 04/26/24
Council Decision on Rachel and Dana Schnabel Request for Intervenor Status, 04/26/24
Council Decision on Manchester Advocates for Responsible Solar Development (MARSD) Request for Intervenor Status, 04/26/24
Welnicki Withdrawal from Grouped Resident Party and Intervenors and Council Acknowledgement, 04/30/24
Council Response to Petitioner's Motion to Reschedule Hearing, 05/17/24

Town of Bolton Request for Public Hearing, 03/06/24
Town of Bolton Comments, 04/24/24
Town of Manchester Board of Directors Comments, 05/02/24

Council on Environmental Quality Comments, 03/01/24


State Representative Jason Doucette Comments and Request for Hearing, 03/01/24
State Representative Steve Weir Comments and Request for Hearing, 03/07/24
Manchester Legislative Delegation Comments, 03/14/24


May 2, 2024 Hearing Documents, 03/28/24
1.  Instruction for Public Access to Remote Public Hearing
2.  Public Hearing Notice
3.  Hearing Program 
4.  Citizens Guide to Siting Council Procedures; and
5.  Proposed Facility Site Plan
Hearing Procedures and Pre-Hearing Conference Memorandum, 04/03/24
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 05/02/24 (Passcode: xLT1eZ&A)

Council Memorandum Regarding the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session on May 21, 2024
1. Instructions for Access to the May 21, 2024 Evidentiary Hearing Session
2. Hearing Program
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 05/21/24 (Passcode: B5qP4!?S)

Council Memorandum Regarding the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session on July 23, 2024
1. Instructions for Access to the July 23, 2024 Evidentiary Hearing Session
2. Hearing Program (currently not available)


Hearing Transcript 2 p.m., 05/02/24
Public Session Transcript 6:30 p.m., 05/02/24
Council Transcript Memorandum, 05/09/24
Continued Evidentiary Hearing Transcript 2 p.m., 05/21/24
Council Transcript Memorandum, 06/05/24


Schedule, 01/29/24
Schedule, 02/02/24
Schedule, 03/28/24
Schedule, 04/02/24
Schedule, 04/18/24
Schedule, 04/25/24
Schedule, 05/03/24
Schedule, 05/22/24

Service List, 01/26/24
Service List, 04/25/24
Service List, 04/30/24


Hearing Program, 05/02/24
Hearing Program, 05/21/24



Petitioner Response to Council Interrogatories, Set One, 04/23/24
Petitioner Pre-Filed Testimony of Howie Reed with resume, recd. 04/30/24
Petitioner Pre-Filed Testimony of Kevin Solli, Eric LaBatte, and Cameron Hendry with
resumes, recd. 04/30/24

Pre-Filed Testimony of Bill Kenny, Alexander Wojtkowiak and Jackson Smith
with attached resumes, recd. 04/30/24

Pre-Filed Testimony of Warren Horton with attached resume, recd. 04/30/24
Petitioner Presentation Site Plan Layout Sheet 2.11, recd. 05/02/24
Petitioner' Sign Posting Affidavit, 05/02/24
Petitioner Response to Town of Manchester Interrogatories, 05/07/24
Petitioner Response to Rachel and Dana Schnabel Interrogatories, 05/07/24
Petitioner Response to Manchester Advocates for Responsible Solar Development Interrogatories, 05/07/24
Petitioner Response to Raymond Welnicki Interrogatories, 05/07/24
Petitioner Geotechnical Engineering Report, 05/07/24
Petitioner Late-Filed Submission, 05/07/24
a. Viewshed Profiles and Analysis from the abutting properties to the East b. Revised Noise Analysis to account for the correct location of the inverters and inclusion of the tracker system c. Spill Response and Prevention Plan that includes protocols for transformer spills and the identification of the construction vehicle refueling area d. Recalculation of the acreage of post-development core forest to include 300-foot buffers from developed areas with an associated map e. A map indicating what areas of the host parcel were historically used for agricultural purposes f. Culvert Openness Ratio for the proposed access drive wetland crossing g. Revised Site Plan Sheet with proposed access slopes at 1.5 to 1 in the vicinity of the wetland crossing, and a calculation of the associated reduced wetland impact h. An East-West profile detail of the solar array on proposed grades

Procedural Correspondence
Petitioner's Pre-Hearing Submission, 04/10/24
Petitioner's Request for Extension of Time to Exchange Interrogatories, 04/18/24
Petitioner's Request for Extension of Time to Submit Pre-Filed Testimony, 04/24/24
Petitioner's Consent to Extension of Time for a Final Decision, 04/24/24
Petitioner's Response to Town of Manchester Regarding Objections to Requests for Party and Intervenor Status, 04/25/24
Petitioner Interrogatories to Manchester Advocates for Responsible Solar Development, 04/30/24
Petitioner's Request for Administrative Notice, 07/09/24

Motions and Objections
Petitioner's Objection to Welnicki Request for Party Status, 04/24/24
Petitioner's Objection to Schnabel Request for Party Status, 04/24/24
Petitioner's Objection to Manchester Advocates for Responsible Solar Development Request for Intervenor Status, 04/24/24
Petitioner's Motion to Reschedule Hearing, 05/16/24


PARTY - Town of Manchester

Town of Manchester Planning and Zoning Commission Comments and Request for Public Hearing, 03/05/24
Town of Manchester Comments and Request for Public Hearing, 03/06/24
Town of Manchester Request for Party Status, 04/10/24
Town of Manchester Exhibits, recd. 04/25/24
  a. 1997 Denied Application Files
  b. 1934 UCONN Air Photo Archive with Subject Site Approximate Location Identified
  c. Town of Manchester Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations
  d. Town of Manchester Zoning Regulations
  e. Manchester NEXT Plan of Conservation and Development
  f. 'Buckley Elementary School Attains First Net Zero Energy Verification' The Town of Manchester, 23 January
  g. Video of Water from Seep at Amanda Drive
  h. Resident Comments Submitted to Town Planning and Zoning Commission
Town of Manchester Pre-Hearing Submission, 04/30/24
a. Aerial Drone View of the Proposed Project Site and Surrounding Residences b. Pre-Filed Testimony of Megan Pilla, 04/25/24
b.1 - Town of Manchester Topographical Map, 05/07/24
c. Pre-Filed Testimony of David Laiuppa, 04/25/24
Town of Manchester Late-File Position Statement, 07/16/24

Procedural Correspondence
Town of Manchester Interrogatories to Petitioner, 04/18/24
Town of Manchester Response to Petitioner's Objection to Welnicki, Schnabel, and MARSD Requests for Status, 04/25/24
Town of Manchester Administrative Notice Items, recd. 04/25/24
  Connecticut's 2020 Forest Action Plan
  DEEP Fact Sheet - Permit Information for Solar Projects
  Ernst Seeds Price Quote
  Leavenworth, J. (2022) '5,200 Solar Panels Will Save Manchester $100,000 Each Year' The CT Insider, 13 December 2022

INTERVENORS - Rachel and Dana Schnabel

Schnabel Request for Intervenor Status, 04/17/24
Schnabel Pre-Filed Testimony, 05/07/24
a.1 - Photographs of Surrounding Neighborhood
a.2 - Wildlife
b.1 - Blue Ridge Drive Plans
b.2 - Obituaries of U&R Housing Corp. Founders
b.3 - Preservation Award
b.4 - Case Brothers-Highland Park Historic District Map
c.1 - Shenipsit Trail Map
c.2 - Barlow, S. (2008) A Pioneer in Manchester, Connecticut Woodlands, Spring
c.3 - Shenipsit Trail End-to-End Run, Shenipsit Striders
d - National Transportation Safety Board Reports
e - Transformer Mineral Oil Safety Data Sheet
f - Smoke Gas Toxicity
g.1 - CT Cold Water Stream Habitat Map
g.2 - CT Stream Flow Classifications Map
g.3 - DEEP Fact Sheet: Modifications regarding Activities within Cold Water Stream Habitats

Procedural Correspondence
Schnabel Interrogatories to Petitioner, 04/18/24
Schnabel Pre-Hearing Submission, 04/30/24
Schnable Administrative Notice Items, recd. 05/07/24
Assessing Fire Risks in Photovoltaic Systems and Developing Safety Concepts for Risk Minimization
Review of Failures of Photovoltaic Modules
Neurobehavioral Alterations from Noise Exposure in Animals: A Systematic Review
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
Thermal Hazard and Smoke Toxicity Assessment of Building Polymers Incorporating TGA and FTIR - Integrated Cone Calorimeter Arrangement


INTERVENOR - Manchester Advocates for Responsible Solar Development (MARSD)

Manchester Advocates for Responsible Solar Development Pre-Filed Testimony of Rosemary Carroll, 02/15/24
Manchester Advocates for Responsible Solar Development Request for Intervenor Status, 04/17/24
Manchester Advocates for Responsible Solar Development Additional Pre-Filed Testimony of Rosemary Carroll, 04/25/24
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Manchester Advocates for Responsible Solar Development Response to Petitioner Interrogatories, 05/07/24

Procedural Correspondence
Manchester Advocates for Responsible Solar Development Interrogatories to Petitioner, 04/18/24


PARTY - Raymond Welnicki

Welnicki Pre-Filed Testimony, 03/01/24
Welnicki Request for Party Status, 04/04/24
Welnicki Request for Party Status Supplemental Information, 04/25/24
Welnicki Additional Pre-Filed Testimony, Part One, 04/25/24
Welnicki Additional Pre-Filed Testimony, Part Two, 04/25/24
Welnicki Additional Pre-Filed Testimony, Part Three, 05/07/24

Procedural Correspondence
Welnicki Interrogatories to Petitioner, 04/18/24
Welnicki Response to Petitioner's Objection to Welnicki Request for Party Status, 04/24/24
Welnicki Withdrawal from Grouped Resident Party and Intervenors, 04/30/24