PETITION NO. 1426 - East Windsor Solar One, LLC petition for a DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC declaratory ruling, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §4-176 and §16-50k, for the proposed construction, maintenance and operation of a 4.9-megawatt AC solar photovoltaic electric generating facility located west of the Ellington town boundary at 341 East Road, East Windsor, Connecticut and associated electrical interconnection.


PETITION (recd. 08/10/20)
Cover Letter
Petition Narrative
Exhibit A - Community Relations
Exhibit B - Environmental Assessment 
Appendix A - Project Plans
Appendix B - DEEP NDDB Correspondence
Appendix C - USFWS/NDDB Compliance Statement
Appendix D - Resources Protection Plan
Appendix E - SHPO Correspondence and Cultural Resources Reconnaissance Survey Reports
Appendix F - Product Information Sheets
Appendix G - FAA Correspondence
Appendix H - Viewshed Map and Photo Simulations      
Exhibit C - Forestry Correspondence    
Exhibit D - Stormwater Management Report


Council Letter to the Town of East Windsor, 08/11/20
Council Letter to the Town of Ellington, 08/11/20
Council State Agencies Memorandum, 08/11/20 
Council Incomplete Letter to East Windsor Solar One, LLC, 08/21/20
Council Acknowledgement of Submission Rendering Petition Complete, 9/18/20
Council Interrogatories to Petitioner, Set One, 10/01/20
Council Acknowledgement of Town of East Windsor Request for Hearing, 12/03/20
Council Decision on Town of East Windsor Request for Hearing, 12/18/20
Council Completeness Review, 01/14/21
Council Interrogatories to Petitioner, Set Two, 02/09/21
Council Interrogatories to Petitioner, Set Three, 02/19/21
Council Request for an Extension of Time to Render Final Decision, 03/08/21
Council Letter to NextEra Regarding Notification of Change of Ownership, 01/25/22

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection C.G.S. §16-50k No Material Impact to Core Forest Determination Letter, 05/20/20
Department of Agriculture CGS §16-50k No Material Impact to Prime Farmland Determination Letter, 09/16/20

Council on Environmental Quality Comments, 09/04/20
Department of Transportation Comments, 09/17/20
Department of Public Health, 01/29/21


Town of East Windsor Comments (Request for Hearing), 12/01/20
Town of East Windsor Comments, 03/02/21
Town of East Windsor Comments, 03/06/23

March 2, 2021 Hearing Documents, 01/15/21
1.  Instructions of Public Access to Remote Public Hearing
2,  Hearing Notice
3.  Hearing Program 
4.  Citizens Guide to Siting Council Procedures; and 
5.  Proposed Facility Site Plan
Remote Pre-Hearing Tele-Conference Memorandum, 01/27/21
Remote Hearing Procedure Memorandum, 02/03/21
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 03/02/21 (Passcode:  $p*u.33m  )

Schedule, 08/11/20
Schedule, 01/14/21
Schedule, 03/09/21


Service List, 08/11/20
Service List, 05/19/21

Hearing Program, 03/02/21

Hearing Transcript 2 p.m., 03/02/21
Public Session Transcript 6:30 p.m., 03/02/21
Council Transcript Memorandum, 03/08/21


PETITIONER - East Windsor Solar One, LLC

Petitioner Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set One, 10/23/20
Exhibit A - GHG Emissions
Exhibit B - Virtual Field Review
Petitioner Response to Town of East Windsor's Request for Hearing, 12/11/20
Petitioner Sign Posting Affidavit, 02/22/21
Petitioner Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set Two, 02/23/21
Petitioner Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set Three, 02/26/21

Petitioner Pre-Hearing Correspondence - Witness List, 02/26/21
Petitioner Response to Council's Request for Extension to Render Final Decision, 03/08/21


Council's Draft Findings of Fact, 04/22/21

Council Decision Package, 5/10/21

D&M Plan Schedule, 05/24/21
D&M Plan Cover Letter
D&M Plan
Exhibit A - Site Plans Attachment 1
Exhibit A - Site Plans Attachment 2
Exhibit B - Sheep Grazing Plan
Exhibit C - Solar Module PFAS Letters and TCLP Test Results
Exhibit D - Racking Structural Drawings
Exhibit E - Construction Traffic Control Plan
Exhibit F - CT DEEP Dam Safety Consultation 
Exhibit G - Fuel Storage and Spill Prevention Plan
East Windsor Solar One, LLC Transfer to DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC, 06/16/21
Council Acknowledgement of Transfer to DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC, 06/21/21
DEEP Stormwater Permit Submission, 07/28/21
Council D&M Plan Decision and Staff Report, 07/30/21
D&M Plan Condition No. 1 On-Site Water and Electrical Outlet Correspondence, 08/02/21
Council Acknowledgement of D&M Plan Condition Submission, 08/03/21
DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Letter Regarding Change in Ownership, 01/10/22
Council Letter Regarding Noise Emissions, 01/18/22
Response to Council Letter Regarding Noise Emissions, 01/21/22
Council Acknowledgement of EWSO January 21, 2022 Response, 01/24/22
DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Letter Regarding Notification of Change of Ownership and Agreement with EWSO January 21, 22 Response and Council Acknowledgement, 01/31/22
Council Update Request on Potential Noise Mitigation Measures, 03/29/22
DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Response to Council Request for a Noise Mitigation Update, 03/31/22
Council Decision on D&M Plan Revision Request Regarding Noise Mitigation, 04/01/22
Update Regarding Noise Compliance Concerns, 03/06/23
Request for Development and Management Plan Revision, 07/13/23
Council Decision on Request for D&M Plan Revision, 07/18/23
Request for Development and Management Plan Revision, 10/31/23
Council Decision on Request for D&M Plan Revision, 11/03/23
Status Update on Noise Mitigation Measures, 06/21/24
Council Response to Concerns Regarding Agricultural Co-Use, 06/25/24
Petitioner Response to Concerns Regarding Agriculture Co-Use, 06/28/24