PETITION NO. 1417 – DG Connecticut Solar II, LLC Watertown Solar One, LLC and VCP, LLC d/b/a Verogy petition for a declaratory ruling, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §4-176 and §16-50k, for the proposed construction, maintenance and operation of a 1.975 megawatt AC solar photovoltaic generating facility located at 669 Platt Road, Watertown, Connecticut, and associated electrical connection.
PETITION (received July 6, 2020)
Exhibit A -Detailed Project Development Plans
Exhibit B - Decommissioning Plan
Exhibit C - Public Outreach Information and Neighborhood Meeting Summary
Exhibit D - Abutting Property Owner List and Sample Notice Letter
Exhibit E - List of Municipal Officials and Government Agencies and Sample Notice Letter
Exhibits F - Operations and Maintenance Plan
Exhibit G - Environmental Assessment
Council Letter to the Town of Watertown, 07/08/20
State Agencies Comment Memorandum, 07/08/20
Council Letter to the Town of Bethlehem, 07/09/20
Council Letter to the Town of Woodbury, 07/09/20
Council Acknowledgement of Town of Bethlehem Comments, 07/15/20
Council Interrogatories to Petitioners, Set One, 08/20/20
Council Acknowledgement of Renee Hodge Request for Party Status, 10/06/20
Council Interrogatories to Petitioners, Set Two, 10/15/20
Council Decision on Hodge Request for Party Status, 10/23/20
Council Letter to NextEra Regarding Notification of Change of Ownership, 01/25/22
Town of Bethlehem Comments, 07/13/20
Schedule, 07/07/20
Schedule, 07/14/20
Schedule, 10/22/20
Service List, 07/08/20
Service List, 10/23/20
PETITIONER - Watertown Solar One, LLC and VCP, LLC d/b/a Verogy
Watertown Solar One, LLC and Verogy Responses to Interrogatories, Set One, 08/28/20
Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set Two, 10/22/20
Watertown Solar One, LLC and Verogy Supplemental Abutter Notice, 10/31/20
Watertown Solar One, LLC and Verogy Letter Regarding DEEP Stormwater General Permit, 11/25/20
PARTY - Renee Hodge
Renee Hodge Correspondence, 07/30/20
Renee Hodge Request for Party Status, 09/29/20
Council Decision and Staff Report, 12/03/20
Watertown Solar One, LLC Letter Regarding Staging Area, 12/04/20
Watertown Solar One, LLC Withdrawal of Staging Area Request, 12/09/20
Council Acknowledgement of Withdrawal of Staging Area Request, 12/14/20
D&M Plan Schedule, 01/11/21
Watertown Solar D&M Plan, 01/08/21
Watertown Solar Transfer of Ownership, 01/08/21
Council Acknowledgement of Transfer of Ownership, 01/11/21
D&M Plan - DEEP Dam Safety Information, 01/27/21
Council Decision and Staff Report on D&M Plan, 03/12/21
Watertown Solar One, LLC D&M Plan Decision Condition No. 1 Submission - Revised Plan Sheets Reflecting Updated Solar Panel Quantities/Wattages, 03-17/21
Council Acknowledgement of D&M Plan Condition Submission, 03/18/21
DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Letter Regarding Notification of Change of Ownership, 01/10/22
DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Letter Regarding Notification of Change of Ownership and Council Acknowledgement, 01/31/22
Notice of Construction Activity and Completion, 03/16/22