PETITION NO. 1407 - DG Connecticut Solar II, LLC (formerly Torrington Solar One LLC and VCP, LLC d/b/a Verogy) petition for a declaratory ruling, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §4-176 and §16-50k, for the proposed construction, maintenance and operation of a 1.975-megawatt AC solar photovoltaic electric generating facility on an approximately 66.4 acre parcel located generally south of East Pearl Road and east of Torringford Street (Route 183) in Torrington, Connecticut and associated electrical interconnection.

PETITION (received 05/29/20)

Cover Letter, 05/29/20
Exhibit A - Project Development Plan
Exhibit B - Decommissioning and Restoration Plan
Exhibit C - Public Outreach Materials and Summary of Comments Received
Exhibit D - Certification of Service - Notice of Intent to File to Adjacent Property Owners
Exhibit E - Certification of Service - Notice of Intent to File to Municipal Officials and Government Agencies
Exhibit F - Operations and Maintenance Plan
Exhibit G - Environmental Assessment

Council Letter to the City of Torrington, 6/1/20 
Council Letter to the Town of New Hartford, 6/1/20
State Agency Comment Memorandum, 6/1/20
Council Incomplete Letter, 06/02/20
Council Acknowledgement of Completeness Submission 06/04/20
Council Interrogatories to Torrington Solar One, LLC and VCP, LLC, Set One, 06/22/20
Council Memorandum Regarding Receipt of Department of Transportation Comments, 06/24/20
Council Memorandum to Service List Regarding Representative Jay M. Case and Senator Kevin Witkos Comment, 07/07/20
Council Letter to NextEra Regarding Notification of Change of Ownership, 01/25/22

Department of Transportation Comments, 06/19/20
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, 07/01/20

State Representative Jay M. Case and State Senator Kevin Witkos Comments with Council Acknowledgement, 07/07/20

City of Torrington Comments, 06/26/20

Schedule, 06/01/20

Service List, 06/01/20
Service List, 10/13/20

PETITIONER - Torrington Solar One LLC and VCP, LLC d/b/a Verogy

Supplemental Certificate of Service and Notice Letters, 06/03/20
Corrected Supplemental Certificate of Service, 6/8/20
Supplemental Public Outreach Information, 06/19/20
Response to City of Torrington Comments, 06/30/20
Responses to Interrogatories, Set One, 07/09/20

Council Decision and Staff Report, 08/14/20
Revised Project Plan Submission, 09/04/20  Cover Letter
Council Acknowledgment of Condition 3 and partial Condition 4 Compliance and Decision on Revision Submission, 09/09/20
Compliance of Conditions Cover Letter, 10/08/20
Submission of Cond. 4  Compliance - Final Electrical Design Plans
Submission of Cond. 11 Compliance - Transfer from Torrington Solar One LLC to DG Connecticut Solar II, LLC
Council Acknowledgment of Transfer and Condition 4 Submission, 10/13/20
Submission of Condition Compliance - Stormwater Pollution Contract Plan, Registration Form and Notice of Permit Authorization, 10/28/20
Council Acknowledgement of Condition No. 2 and Condition No. 5 Submissions, 10/29/20
Environmental Compliance Monitoring - Final Summary Report, 08/03/21
DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Letter Regarding Notification of Change of Ownership, 01/10/22
DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Notification of Change of Ownership and Council Acknowledgement 1/31/22
Council Status Update Letter, 11/15/24
Notice of Construction Completion, 12/12/24