PETITION NO. 923A - Fuel Cell Energy, Inc. amended petition for a declaratory ruling that no Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need is required for the installation and operation of a Fuel Cell test facility located at 539 Technology Park Drive, Torrington, Connecticut.


Request for Modification (recd. 10/08/24)
Petitioner's Request for Modification, 10/08/24
Attachment 1 - Subject to Protective Order
Attachment 2 - Redacted Facility Sound Assessment
Petitioner Motion for Protective Order, 10/08/24


Council Letter to City of Torrington, 10/11/24
Council State Agency Comment Memorandum, 10/11/24 
Council Decision on Motion for Protective Order - Proprietary Information, 10/24/24
Council Set Date for Decision, 11/21/24
Council Interrogatories to Petitioner, 12/16/24


Schedule, 10/11/24
Schedule, 11/21/24
Schedule, 12/16/24
Schedule, 12/26/24


Service List, 10/11/24
Service List, 12/26/24


PETITIONER - Fuel Cell Energy, Inc.

Petitioner Responses to Council Interrogatories, 01/21/25
Exhibit CSC-6-1 - Response to Interrogatory No. 6
Exhibit CSC-18-1 - Response to Interrogatory No. 18
Exhibit CSC-19-1 - Response to Interrogatory No. 19

Petitioner Motion for Protective Order, 10/08/24
Signed Protective Order - Proprietary Information, 10/24/24
Request for Extension to Submit Interrogatory Responses and Council Decision, 12/26/24

Procedural Correspondence
Petitioner Notice of Service List Change, 12/24/24


Council Decision and Staff Report, 02/07/25