Live Online CISS Training is now available. The Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS-CT) has resumed training for the Connecticut Information Sharing System (CISS) using live instructor-led webinars. For more information, please click the following link: Register

CJIS Training Academy


To register for training and access to the Connecticut Information Sharing System (CISS), please complete and sign the CJIS-CT User Authorization Request (CUAR) form and submit it to Refer to the CUAR Instructions for information regarding GFIPM claims, Agency approvers, and more.


The Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) has a new, convenient way to deliver CISS Training. You and all of your staff can get certified for a CISS Account from work or home. The CISS instructor-led training classes are available at regularly scheduled times so everyone can quickly and conveniently get access to CISS.

  • CISS Training Classes are now available as Live Instructor Webinars

In addition to four hours of POST Training credit for each student, all of your staff can attend this free training while taking advantage of a new, low business impact approach to getting your staff to use CISS. As part of the CJIS COVID-19 Response Plan, CJIS is using Zoom (video and web conferencing). This technology allows us to provide live demos and training sessions over the internet.  

  • Low-impact on-boarding means everyone can start using CISS immediately. 
  • The Online Training Schedule is here: CISS ONLINE SCHEDULE

To attend these sessions, users only need access to a computer or smart device connected to the internet. Zoom meetings are free to attend.

For more information or to schedule custom training dates or times please contact one of our Public Safety Liaisons:

Patrick Farrell at at (860) 622-2560, or
Hank Lindgren at at (860) 622-2169.