Would You Like to Participate in a Council Meeting?
All meetings are open to the public, and the Council is interested in what you might have to say. If you would like to talk to the Council about a complaint or urgent environmental issue, there are several ways to do so:
Speak at a Monthly Meeting:  Near the beginning of each monthly meeting, there may be a "Citizen Comment Period" reserved for members of the public to make brief comments to the Council. This is a good way to get the Council's attention for an environmental concern that might not be receiving adequate attention. If time does not allow for follow-up discussion by the Council at that meeting, your concern will be scheduled for staff follow-up and/or discussion at a future meeting. (Please note: The public is able to participate in all meetings electronically. The Council also provides the opportunity to meet in person one month each quarter. Please check the meeting schedule or meeting agenda for details.) If you require a physical location and access to electronic equipment necessary to attend such meeting in real-time, please contact the Council at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.




If your concern is on the agenda and you are participating remotely or are in the audience, you may be given an opportunity to ask a question or make a brief comment if time allows. The Chair makes every attempt to hear from interested people, but the schedule sometimes does not allow for it.
Has your organization recently published a report on a statewide environmental topic? Do you perceive a flaw in state agency practices that is causing environmental damage? These could be topics for a future agenda. Contact the Council's staff.
You do not need to attend a meeting to have your voice heard. You can contact the Council office at any time. This is especially true for making a complaint about an environmental problem or violation. One of the Council's duties is to receive and investigate complaints, which you can submit by phone, e-mail or postal mail. Staff will investigate. If the matter requires the attention of the full Council, it will be put on a future meeting agenda.