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Meeting Notice and Agenda

The Council on Environmental Quality will meet on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, at 9:30 AM via Zoom.

Members of the public may participate via Zoom by connecting to the Zoom meeting at: https://ctdeep.zoom.us/j/87516962456 (NEW LINK)
and/or by phone by dialing: +1 646 876 9923 US  Meeting ID: 87516962456

Materials for the meeting will be posted to the Council’s website in advance of the meeting. Persons wishing to comment during the Citizen Comment Period may participate at that time.


1. Call to Order; Establishment of a Quorum

2. Approval of minutes of June 26, 2024
3. Citizen Comment Period 

4. Citizen Complaints and Inquiries Received

5. Executive Director’s Report

(Annual Report, beverage container redemption, Federal Local Bridge Program (Cotton Bridge Road Bridge))


6. State Agency and Legislative Actions
  a.  Department of Energy and Environmental Protection:

  • Release-Based Remediation Program – update
  • Study of Siting Council per Public Act 24-144, Section 12

  b.  Connecticut Siting Council:

  • Docket 523 (telecom, Orange), Docket 524 (solar, Woodbury) - Comments recommended
  • Petition 1634 (fuel cell, Mansfield) - No comments recommended at this time

  C. Department of Agriculture:

  • Recommended requirements for clean energy projects sited on prime farmland

7. Other Business

The next regular Council meeting is scheduled for August 28, 2024, at 9:30 AM.