Meeting Notice and Agenda
The Council on Environmental Quality will meet on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 9:30 AM in the Holcombe Room, fifth floor, 79 Elm Street, Hartford and via Zoom.
and/or by phone by dialing: +1 646 876 9923 US Meeting ID: 963 6527 0321
Materials for the meeting will be posted to the Council’s website in advance of the meeting. Persons wishing to comment during the Citizen Comment Period may participate at that time.
1. Call to Order; Establishment of a Quorum
2. Approval of minutes of May 24, 2023
3. Chair’s Report
4. Citizen Comment Period
5. Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection Office of Adjudications Presentation
6. Citizen Complaints and Inquiries Received
7. Executive Director’s Report
(Environmental Monitor notices, land transfers, Bosworth Road Bridge project in Pomfret, Connecticut River Hydrilla)
8. State Agency & Legislative Actions
a. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection:
- Release-Based Remediation Program – update
- Connecticut Lakes, Rivers and Ponds Preservation account – Request for information
- Comprehensive General Permit for Discharges to Surface Water and Groundwater
- Draft 2024-2028 Nitrogen General Permit
b. Connecticut Siting Council:
- Petition 1576 (energy, Middletown-Haddam), Petition 1577 (energy, Watertown – Waterbury), Petition 1578 (solar, Windham) - Comments recommended
- Petition 1575 (energy, Salisbury), Petition 1579 (battery storage, Windsor Locks), Petition 1580 (solar, North Haven) – No comments recommended at this time
c. Legislature
9. Other Business
The next regular Council meeting is scheduled for July 26, 2023 at 9:30 AM.