The Council on Environmental Quality will meet at 9:30 AM on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 in the Holcombe Conference Room, fifth floor, 79 Elm Street, Hartford.
1. Call to Order; Establishment of a Quorum
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of October 23, 2019 Minutes
4. Chair’s Report
5. Citizen Comment Period*
6. Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection, Katie Dykes, will speak to the Council regarding issues of importance. The order of items on the Agenda will be adjusted to accommodate the Commissioner’s busy schedule.
7. Update on prior Citizen Complaints & Inquiries Received
a. Proposed Bokashi facility in Torrington
b. Harbor Point, Stamford
8. Report on Staff Activities
a. Draft report on fuel oil releases complete
b. CEPA training completed for Agencies that submit to the Monitor
c. Reviewed OPM CEPA manual
d. Watershed Conservation Network presentation
e. Website migration update
f. “20BY20” presentation
9. State Agency Actions
a. Connecticut Siting Council Petition 1387, comments recommended
b. DEEP decision proposed Coventry sewer extension
c. PFAS Task Force Plan Released
10. Other Business
* There will be a sign-up sheet at the meeting for people to make brief comments to the Council regarding topics not on the agenda. There will not be time for comments or questions from the public during, or following, the remarks of the DEEP Commissioner.
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