The Council on Environmental
Quality will meet on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 9:30 AM in the Holcombe
Room, 5th Floor, 79 Elm Street, Hartford. Directions
1. Call to order; establishment of a quorum
2. Approval of agenda
3. Approval of December 14, 2016 minutes
4. Chair’s Report
5. Citizen Comment Period*
6. Executive Director’s Report
7. Citizen Complaints
a. Emissions from heavy-duty vehicles (brief staff report; potential action item)
b. Others
8. Review of state agency actions
a. Discussion of Special Report, Energy Sprawl in Connecticut (action item)
b. Off-Airport Tree Obstruction Removal for Hartford-Brainard Airport, Connecticut Airport Authority, Environmental Impact Evaluation (no comments proposed)
9. Discussion of annual report topics
10. Other business
*The Citizen
Comment Period is reserved for people to make brief comments to the Council
regarding topics not on the agenda. There
will be a sign-up sheet at the
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