The Council on Environmental Quality will meet on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Russell Room, 3rd floor, 79 Elm Street, Hartford. (Directions)


1.  Call to order; establishment of a quorum

2.  Approval of December 15, 2010 minutes

3.  Chairman's Report

4.  Executive Director's Report

5.  Review of State Agency Actions

      a.  DEP grant to Glastonbury for boat launch facility (brief update)

      b.  Agency Environmental Classification Documents (brief update)

      c.  Siting Council consultation re: telecommunications tower in Milford    
          (no comments recommended by staff)

      d.  Siting Council consultation re: telecommunications tower in Hartland
          (comments from citizens; comments from Council possible

      e.  Siting Council consultation re: telecommunications tower in Canaan
           (Falls Village)(comments recommended by staff)

      f.   Others

6.  Citizen Complaints

      a.  Dumping and storage on state property, Hartford (brief staff report)

      b.  Request for moratorium on commercial wind energy applications
          (potential action item)

      c.  Contamination in Haddam (Tylerville) (brief update

7.   Indicator of the Month (an ongoing review of environmental indicators that are published in the annual report, with discussion of possible revisions): Compliance

8.  Discussion of annual report topics

9.  Other Business

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