The Council on Environmental Quality will meet on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 9:00 AM in the Holcombe Room, 5th floor, 79 Elm Street, Hartford(Directions)


1.  Call to order; establishment of a quorum

2.  Approval of July 15, 2010 special meeting minutes

3.  Chairman's Report

4.  Executive Director's Report

5.  Citizen Complaints

     a. Tylerville contamination (action item)

     b. Review of other issues raised at Haddam public forum (potential action items)

     c. Diversion of Swan Lake, University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus

     d. Water supply issues related to Ponde Place development, Mansfield

6.  Review of State Agency Actions

     a. Telecommunications tower in Suffield, Siting Council consultation  (comments)

     b. Other

7.  Discussion of proposed land swap in Haddam
      presentation by Steven A. Rocco, Rocco Architects

Indicator of the Month (an ongoing review of environmental indicators that are published in the annual report, with discussion of possible revisions): Electricity indicators (Inefficiency at Home and Inefficiency in the Kitchen) and their relationship to summer air quality.

9.  Other Business


Find a previous meeting agenda in the Agenda Archives .