About Career ConneCT
How can I apply for the UniteCT Rental Assistance Program?
Apply to the UniteCT Workforce Rental Assistance program
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What personal information do I have to provide to register for Career ConneCT?
We'll ask you to provide information about yourself in our secure system so that we can track your progress in the Career ConneCT program and monitor how well the program is working.
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Other questions about Career ConneCT
Learn how Career ConneCT is funded and whether using the program will affect the unemployment benefits you're getting.
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How do I register for Career ConneCT?
People complete an online form to register for Career ConneCT and then work with a case manager or career coach to get the help they need.
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What is a skills inventory?
The skills inventory helps your case manager or career coach understand your abilities so they can provide better training and career guidance.
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Who is eligible for Career ConneCT?
Career ConneCT can help thousands of unemployed and underemployed people in Connecticut get free job training and get help finding a job.
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What is the Career ConneCT program?
Career ConneCT is helping workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic get back to work in Connecticut’s fastest-growing industries, in better jobs than they had before the pandemic.
About Career ConneCT