Members of the public may watch the following parole and pardons hearings via video feed (Click here for instructions. The video will be available for viewing after the hearing as long as the link is posted on the website). Hearings start at 9am unless posted otherwise. Click on the below links to watch hearings on:

March 13th, 2025:
Supplemental Hearing starts at 8:30am - R#3.

Revocation Reviews - R#3.

PO Truscello Revocation Hearing starts at 10:00am - R#1.

March 14th, 2025:
Osborn CI Hearing - R#3.

All hearings will be conducted as MS Teams or Zoom Virtual Hearings and streamed LIVE on this website as well. Please check back periodically for updates and links. Please refresh or switch your web browser if the links are not working.

General Hearing Information

Hearings can be held any day of the week, Monday through Friday.

Parole hearings are conducted via video connection between the main office and the institution.   

Pardon hearings are scheduled and conducted via video connection between the main office and the applicants.

Each hearing consists of a three-member panel of the Board and a parole officer, and when appropriate, the Office of Victim Services (OVS) and the victim(s) and/or their family.  Individuals are allowed to express to the Board why they believe they should be paroled or pardoned.  The panel then asks questions.  Once the panel is satisfied, they will deliberate in open session and give their decision.

All hearings are scheduled ONLY when all information relative to the case(s) is received.

Hearings can be viewed by the public via live stream through links posted on the homepage, which is updated daily.   The schedule of future hearings can be found on the agency's Hearing and Event Calendar.