Thursday, February 11, 2021, 10am
Call to Order
Chairman Frank P. Blando called the meeting to order at 10:00am.
Chairman Blando read the Introductory Statement and called the roll call. Five appellants were present. Three Local Issuing Authorities were present along with the State Issuing Authority
Board Members Present: Chairman Frank P. Blando, Esq., Dr. Cynthia Conrad, Carolyn Futtner Esq., Gudrun Johnson and Chief Carl Rosensweig.
Board Members Absent: Secretary Col. Kyle Overturf, Anthony Iaconis, Esq., and Mr. M. Peter Kuck.
Chairman Frank P. Blando administered the oath to all witnesses at the time of their cases.
Hearings: Five cases were heard in the following order:
1) Case No. 19-394-R, involving the revocation of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on her own behalf. Sgt. Alex Giannone represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner James C. Rovella, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection with two witnesses.
Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the State Issuing Authority.
2) Case No. 20-375-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Lt. Stephen Paulson represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Ed Lennon, East Haven Police Department.
Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the Local Issuing Authority, the denial of the pistol permit at this time.
3) Case No. 20-508-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Trp. Bria represented the Local Issuing Authority, First Selectman Edward Bailey, Town of Middlefield.
Withdrew: The appellant withdrew his case and Middlefield will issue the permit.
4) Case No. 20-116-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Cpt. Daniel Parlapiano represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief William Darby, Manchester Police Department.
Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted in favor of the appellant and ordered Manchester to issue the permit.
5) Case No. 18-390-R, involving the revocation of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on her own behalf. Sgt. Alex Giannone represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner James C. Rovella, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
Withdrew: The appellant withdrew his case and the State will reinstate the permit.
Secretary’s Report:
Board member Johnson made a motion to accept the minutes from January 21, 2021, seconded by Atty. Futtner, motion carried. Dr. Conrad and Chief Rosensweig abstained from the vote.
Adjournment: Board member Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Dr. Conrad, motion carried. Meeting ended at 11:55am.