February 15, 2018 Minutes




Thursday, February 15, 2018, 10am at the

Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection

1111 Country Club Rd., Middletown, CT 06457

Call to Order

Chairman Frank P. Blando called the meeting to order at 10:05am.

Chairman Blando read the Introductory Statement and called the roll call.  Twelve appellants were present.. Eleven local Issuing Authorities were present and one failed to appear.

Board Members Present: Chairman Frank P. Blando, Esq., Secretary Col. Kyle Overturf., Dr. William Sledge, Carolyn Futtner, Esq., Ms. Gudrun Johnson, Mr. M. Peter Kuck and Chief Carl Rosensweig .

Board Members Absent: None

Chairman Frank P. Blando administered the oath to all witnesses.

Hearings: Twelve cases were heard in the following order:

1) Case No. 17-299-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on her own behalf. Officer Bryan Phillips represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief Anthony Campbell, New Haven Police Department.

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew her appeal, New Haven will issue.

2) Case No. 17-207-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Donald Bensey represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief Armando Perez, Bridgeport Police Department.

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew his appeal

3) Case No. 17-266-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Donald Bensey represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief Armando Perez, Bridgeport Police Department.

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew his appeal

4) Case No. 17-206-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers.  The appellant appeared on her how behalf.. A representative failed to appear for the local Issuing Authority, Chief William Fitzgerald, Winchester Police Department.

Motion: Board member Kuck voted in favor of the appellant due to the issuing authority failure to appear, seconded by Col. Overturf. Motion carried unanimously. 

5) Case No. 17-108-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Det. Panton appeared for the local Issuing Authority, Chief Joseph McNeil, Stratford Police Department.

Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted in favor of the appellant and instructed Stratford to issue the permit.

6) Case No. 18-026-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. Attorney Ralph D. Sherman represented the appellant. Sgt. Donald Bensey represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief Armando Perez, Bridgeport Police Department.

Decision: By majority decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the local Issuing Authority, Chief Armando Perez, the denial of the pistol permit at this time.  Board member Kuck voted in favor of the appellant. Chairman Blando, Col. Overturf, Atty. Futtner, Ms. Johnson, Chief Rosensweig, and Dr. Sledge voted against the appellant.

7) Case No. 17-316-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Det. Sgt. Falkenstein represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief Michael Lombardo, Trumbull Police Department.

Decision: By majority decision, the Board voted in favor of the appellant. Dr. William Sledge voted against the appellant and Chairman Blando, Col. Kyle Overturf, Chief Rosensweig, Atty. Carolyn Futtner, Ms. Gudrun Johnson, and Mr. Peter Kuck voted in favor of the appellant. Trumbull was ordered to issue the permit.

8) Case No. 17-315-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf.  Officer Phillips represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief Anthony Campbell, New Haven Police Department with one witness.

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew his appeal, New Haven will issue.

9) Case No. 17-290-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf.  Officer Phillips represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief Anthony Campbell, New Haven Police Department.

Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted in favor of the appellant and instructed New Haven to issue the permit.

10) Case No. 17-263-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf.  Sgt. Francis Monahan represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief Vernon Riddick, Waterbury Police Department.

Decision: By majority decision, the Board voted in favor of the appellant. Col. Overturf,  Chief Rosensweig, and Ms. Johnson voted against the appellant. Chairman Blando, Atty. Carolyn Futtner, Mr. Peter Kuck and Dr. William Sledge voted in favor of the appellant. Waterbury was ordered to issue the permit.

11) Case No. 17-182-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf.  Dep. Chief Paul Gately represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief Louis Fusaro, Jr., Town of Groton Police Department.

Decision: By majority decision, the Board voted in favor of the appellant. Chief Rosensweig, Ms. Johnson, and Attorney Futtner voted against the appellant. Chairman Blando, Col. Kyle Overturf, Dr. William Sledge, and Mr. Peter Kuck voted in favor of the appellant. Town of Groton was ordered to issue the permit.

12) Case No. 17-232-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf.  Lt. Stacey Sacharko represented the local Issuing Authority, Chief William Wright, Wallingford Police Department.

Decision: By majority decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the local Issuing Authority, Chief William Wright, the denial of the pistol permit.  Chairman Blando and Col Overturf voted in favor of the appellant. Board member Kuck, Atty. Futtner, Ms. Johnson, Chief Rosensweig, and Dr. Sledge voted against the appellant.

Secretary’s Report:

Board member Kuck made a motion to accept the January 25, 2018 minutes as submitted, Col. Overturf seconded the motion, motion carried. Ms. Johnson abstained.

New Business:  Motion made by Board member Kuck seconded by Col. Overturf to approve an extra date, August 23, 2018, for disqualifiers. Motion carried unanimously.

Adjournment: Board member Kuck made a motion to adjourn, Board Member Col. Overturf seconded the motion, motion carried. Meeting ended at 3:05pm