September 27, 2012 Minutes
Thursday September 27, 2012, 12:00pm at the
Wethersfield Police Department
Call to Order
Secretary T. William Knapp called the meeting to order at 12:00pm.
Secretary Knapp read the Introductory Statement.
Secretary Knapp called the roll call 8 appellants were present, 1 appellant absent, the State Issuing Authority was present and 2 local Issuing Authorities were present.
Board Members Present: Attorney Joseph T. Corradino, Chairman, Chief T. William Knapp, (Ret.), Board Secretary, Mr. M. Peter Kuck, and Mr. Kenneth Tramadeo
Board Members Absent: Atty. Jay Greer and Col. Kyle Overturf
Board Chairman, Corradino administered the oath to all witnesses.
Knapp made a motion to move Case No. 12-216-R, Derrick Belin, to the top of the agenda. Kuck seconded the motion, motion carried.
1) Case No. 12-055-D, Matthew Marino, the continuance involving the denial of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. A representative for the local Issuing Authority, Middlebury Police Department was present.
Decision: By a majority decision, the Board voted to uphold the denial of the local Issuing Authority, Chief Richard Guisti, Middlebury Police Department, at this time. Kuck voted for the appellant. Corradino, Knapp, and Tramadeo voted for the local Issuing Authority.
2) Case No., 12-178-D, Andres Cuervo, involving the denial of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Albert Russo appeared for the local Issuing Authority, Chief Alan Baker, Danbury Police Department.
Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to overturn the denial of the local Issuing Authority, Chief Alan Baker, Danbury Police Department, and voted for Mr. Cuervo to be issued a temporary pistol permit.
3) Case No. 12-281-R, Amin Hasan, involving the revocation of his pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Paolo D’Alessandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection with one witness.
Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to overturn the revocation of the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, and voted for Mr. Hasan’s permit to be reinstated.
4) Case No. 12-211-R, Francis Truskowski, involving the revocation of his pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Paolo D’Alessandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection with one witness.
Decision: By a majority, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. Kuck voted for the appellant. Corradino, Knapp, and Tramadeo voted for the issuing authority.
5) Case No. 12-270-R, Cody Willette, involving the revocation of his pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Paolo D’Alessandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
Decision: By a tie vote, the Board voted to overturn the revocation decision of the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection and with a tie vote in favor of the appellant, the Board voted for the appellant to be reinstated his pistol permit. Corradino, and Kuck voted for the State Issuing Authority. Knapp and Tramadeo voted for the appellant.
6) Case No. 12-216-R, Derrick Belin, involving the revocation of his pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Paolo D’Alessandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection with two witnesses.
Decision: By a majority, the Board voted to uphold the revocation of the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. Kuck voted for the appellant. Corradino, Greer, Knapp, Overturf and Tramadeo voted for the State Issuing Authority.
7) Case No. 12-304-R, Adam Kirby involving the revocation of his pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Paolo D’Alessandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection with one witness.
Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to overturn the revocation of the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, and voted for Mr. Kirby’s permit to be reinstated.
8) Case No. 12-315-R. Alex DiBenedetto involving the revocation of his pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Paolo D’Alessandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection with two witnesses.
Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
9) Case No. 12-225-R, Joseph Sterling involving the revocation of his pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant failed to appear. Sgt. Paolo D’Alessandro represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Reuben F. Bradford, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, by default for the appellant’s failure to appear.
Secretary’s Report:
Knapp made a motion to postpone approval of August 9, 2012 Minutes. Tramadeo seconded the motion, motion carried.
New Business:
Corradino made a motion to postpone a discussion regarding the request for a Declaratory Ruling. Knapp seconded the motion, motion carried.
Adjournment: Knapp made a motion to adjourn, Kuck seconded the motion, motion carried at 6:30pm.