Office of Governmental Accountability
Meeting of the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners
Thursday, March 18, 2021, 10:00am
Virtual Hearing
A. Call to Order:
1) Introductory Statement
2) Roll Call, Board Members
3) Roll Call, Appellants
B. Hearings: Cases scheduled for 10:00am or AS soon thereafter as the matter may be reached:
1) Case No. 20-655-D,
vs. First Selectman Laura Francis, Town of Durham Denial
2) Case No. 18-463-R, represented John R. Gulash, Esq.
vs. Commissioner James C. Rovella, Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection Revocation
3) Case No. 20-604-D,
vs. Chief Kristian Lindstrom, South Windsor Police Department Denial
4) Case No. 20-602-D,
vs. Chief Kristian Lindstrom, South Windsor Police Department Denial
C. Secretary’s Report
1) Approval of the March 4, 2021 minutes
D. 13 Cases resolved or withdrew after review:
19-050-R |
deceased 2/24/2021 |
19-362-R |
withdrew 2/25/2021 |
21-246-R |
state reissued 2/26/2021 |
21-458-D |
Enfield issued 3/1/2021 |
21-502-CD |
Plymouth issued 2/19/2021 |
20-581-R |
state reissued 1/29/2021 |
19-423-R |
state reissued 3/10/2021 |
18-448-R |
state reissued 3/10/2021 |
18-449-R |
state reissued 3/10/2021 |
20-622-D |
Montville issued 3/10/2021 |
21-478-CD |
Manchester issued 3/12/2021 |
19-436-R |
state reissued 3/17/2021 |
19-425-R |
state reissued 3/15/2021 |
E. Dormant cases:
F. Old Business:
G. New Business:
H. Adjournment