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Workers' Rehabilitation Program

Applying for Services

Workers’ Rehabilitation Services (WRS) is dedicated to assisting the eligible injured worker in returning to gainful employment by providing quality Vocational Rehabilitation services.

WRS is governed by Chapter 568 of the Connecticut General Statutes, also known as the Workers’ Compensation Act. Most workers in the State of Connecticut are protected by Workers’ Compensation insurance. In addition to a provision covering the loss of earnings and medical care, the Workers’ Compensation Act provides for Vocational Rehabilitation.

The main goal of Workers' Rehabilitation Services is to help the injured worker return to work in a position that is now physically appropriate. Prompt and well-planned vocational rehabilitation may help prevent future injuries.

Application Form

Download the Application Form for Rehabilitation Services,  WCR-1


Services that may be Provided 

Each person’s program will be individualized, based on their needs.

Services may include:

  • Vocational Counseling
  • Evaluation 
  • Aptitude/Interest Testing  
  • Formal Training/Education 
  • Job Seeking Skills 
  • Placement Assistance
Contact Information

Workers' Rehabilitation Services
Capitol Place
21 Oak Street
Hartford, CT 06106 

Phone: (860) 493-1546
Fax: (860) 247-1361

 Workers’ Compensation Commission District office locations 

Office of the Chairman
Capitol Place 21 Oak Street Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: (860) 493-1500 Fax: (860) 247-1361

Email: wcc.chairmansoffice@po.state.ct.us





Key Personnel, Contacts/Partners, Resources

Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) consists of eight District offices throughout the State of Connecticut. Workers’ Rehabilitation Service Coordinators work within each of the eight WCC District Offices. WRS program personnel include one Worker’s Rehabilitation Supervisor, four Worker’s Rehabilitation Counseling Coordinators and one WRS program secretary.  The staff serve the entire State of Connecticut and the borders of the attached states.

Our offices are located in WCC office space as we work very closely with the Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) and all of the WC Commissioners and WCC office staff.

 We utilize the WCC claims’ files and computer system. In addition, we work closely with attorneys (respondents’ and claimants attorneys), insurance carriers and adjusters, and documented employer of record per the WCC system. In working closely within the WCC system, WRS provides access for WCC clients and if eligible to begin the transition into the vocational rehabilitation process. 

By providing comprehensive vocational rehabilitation services, WRS collaborates with physicians, medical personnel such as psychologists, clinical therapists, physical therapists, and private rehabilitation agencies. We maintain relationships with state agencies (DOL, DMHAS, DSS, etc.), and employers. WRS has contracts with several vendors.

All of the clients we serve have a pending or an accepted Workers’ Compensation Claim.
Eligibility information can be found on the WCC website at
http://wcc.state.ct.us/ on the left side of the home page under the tab for Commission, click on Rehabilitation.

 Statutes and Regulations: Section 31-283 a-1 to Section 31-283 a-6