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  • AG Jepsen Warns Consumers, Businesses About the Threat of Ransomware

    Attorney General George Jepsen is warning Connecticut consumers and businesses about an emerging computer virus known as "ransomware" and offering tips on how they can protect themselves from cyber-criminals as well as what to do if your computer has been infected.

  • AG Jepsen to FDA: End Bottleneck Preventing Generic Nexium from Entering the Market

    In comments to a Citizen Petition filed with the Food and Drug Administration today, Attorney General George Jepsen called on the federal agency to expeditiously end several years of delays preventing the sale of a generic form of the drug esomeprazole magnesium, currently marketed under the brand name Nexium. Nexium is the second highest-selling pharmaceutical drug in the United States, and delays in approving generic versions have cost consumers and government healthcare payers billions of dollars.

  • AG Jepsen Opens Inquiry into Lenovo, Superfish Privacy and Security Concerns

    Attorney General George Jepsen has sent letters to executives at the computer technology company Lenovo Group Ltd. and the software company Superfish seeking information about software pre-installed on Lenovo personal computers and sold to consumers that could potentially expose them to hackers.

  • AG, DCP Announce $850,000 Multistate Settlement with TD Bank Over Data Breach

    Attorney General George Jepsen and the state Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner William M. Rubenstein today announced an $850,000 multistate settlement with TD Bank, N.A. that resolves an investigation into a 2012 data breach that affected thousands of consumers and helps to ensure that protections are in place to help prevent future incidents.

  • State Joins Global Settlement with Endo Pharmaceuticals Resolving Inappropriate Marketing Allegations

    Connecticut has joined a federal-state settlement with Endo Health Solutions Inc. and Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. to resolve allegations that the companies inappropriately marketed the drug Lidoderm for conditions not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, Attorney General George Jepsen, Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane and state Department of Social Services Commissioner Roderick L. Bremby announced today.

  • State Issues Second Consumer Alert about IRS Telephone Scam

    The Department of Consumer Protection and Office of the Attorney General continue to receive complaints and inquiries from consumers worried about telephone calls in which the caller claims to be an official from the IRS and attempts to solicit tax payments.

  • State Granted Court-appointed Receiver for Amistad America, Inc.

    – The Superior Court for the Judicial District of Hartford has approved an application filed by the Attorney General seeking appointment of a receiver over the operations and assets of Amistad America, Inc., Governor Dannel P. Malloy, Attorney General George Jepsen and state Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD) Commissioner Catherine Smith announced today.

  • State Files Federal Lawsuit against Alleged Mortgage Rescue Scam

    Attorney General George Jepsen has obtained a temporary restraining order and appointment of a receiver in a joint lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court, Middle District of Florida against Connecticut-based Resolution Law Group, Florida-based Berger Law Group, and related entities and individuals over allegations that they took advantage of struggling homeowners through a scam that promised legal assistance but delivered none.

  • State Advises Consumers about Reader's Digest Prize Scam

    Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner William M. Rubenstein, Attorney General George Jepsen and Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Commissioner Dora B. Schriro today are advising residents to avoid responding to a letter claiming to be from Governor Dannel P. Malloy and bearing a replica of his signature.

  • State Brings Criminal Charges and Civil Claims Action against Stamford-based Dental Provider Alleging Medicaid Fraud

    In a coordinated law enforcement effort, the state has commenced both criminal and civil proceedings against a Stamford-based dental practitioner and related individuals and businesses alleging a long-running and substantial scheme of fraudulent Medicaid claims for dental services provided to residents of long-term care facilities in the state, Attorney General George Jepsen, Chief State's Attorney Kevin T. Kane and Department of Social Services Commissioner Roderick L. Bremby announced today.

  • AG Jepsen to PURA: CL&P Rate Increase Request Unwarranted and Unsubstantiated

    In a brief filed today, Attorney General George Jepsen urged the state Public Utilities Regulatory Authority to reject an application by the Connecticut Light & Power Company seeking a $221 million increase in its rates and to approve rates that are no more than just and reasonable as required by state law.

  • AG Jepsen Releases Report on Hospital Facility Fees, Physician Practice Acquisitions in Connecticut

    Attorney General George Jepsen today released a report concerning so-called hospital "facility fees" and hospital acquisitions of independent physician practices. The Attorney General urged state lawmakers to approve pending legislation he proposed on these subjects to require improved notification and transparency.

  • AG Jepsen: New Physician Practice Acquisition Notice Requirement Takes Effect on October 1

    Legislation proposed by Attorney General George Jepsen requiring that notice of certain physician practice acquisitions be provided to the state Office of the Attorney General will take effect on October 1. Today, Attorney General Jepsen announced that, in order to facilitate the new required notice, he has posted a new form on his Web site as well as instructions for the form's completion and submission.

  • AG Jepsen Joins Colleagues in Urging FCC to Permit Phone Companies to Block Unwanted Telemarketing Calls

    Attorney General George Jepsen and 38 other state and territorial attorneys general sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) formally requesting its opinion regarding the legal authority of telephone companies to electronically block unwanted automated telemarketing calls – so called “robocalls” -- intended for their customers. Telephone companies have claimed that federal law administered by the FCC prohibits them from implementing existing technologies to block robocalls.

  • AG Jepsen Joins Coalition Defending Federal Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Standards for Power Plants

    Attorney General George Jepsen today announced that Connecticut and 11 other states, the City of New York and the District of Columbia joined in a court action to support the Environmental Protection Agency’s commitment to set greenhouse gas emissions standards for new and existing fossil-fuel electric generating power plants. The Attorney Generals’ action is in response to a challenge by a coalition of 12 coal-producing states, led by West Virginia, who challenge the terms of a 2010 settlement agreement under which the EPA agreed to enact the regulations.