2010 Press Releases
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Attorney General To Help Lead Multistate Investigation Of Defective Foreclosure Docs
Attorney General To Seek Deeper Reduction In CL&P Rate Increase
Attorney General To Seek Protections For UI Ratepayers In Gas Company Acquisition
Attorney General Urges Action Against China For Currency Manipulation That Has Cost 27,300 CT Jobs
Attorney General Urges Alternatives To Broad Lobster Fishing Moratorium
Attorney General Urges Certification Requirements For Behavioral Specialists Hired By Public Schools
Attorney General Urges Consumers To Beware Of Haitian Relief Scams
Attorney General Urges Disclosure And Limitations On Drug Company Gifts To Doctors
Attorney General Urges DPUC To Reject $31 Million Water Rate Hike
Attorney General Urges Legislature To Establish Condominium Ombudsman To Protect Condo Owners