Yana Razumnaya's Success Story
Written by Self-Advocate Coordinator, Paige Librandi
I had the pleasure of interviewing a woman named Yana Razumnaya. She was born in Ukraine. She is passionate about helping her hometown. She is 37 and has her own apartment located in Hartford, Connecticut. Yana was a former Self- Advocate Coordinator at DDS for seven years at the East Hartford Office. She is a great speaker and advocate for people with Autism.
Yana worked as a Self-Advocate Coordinator for seven years. She liked helping other people and working with people in the office. She was most passionate about having a voice for individuals with Autism. If she had a message to send, it would be to women with Autism that “It does get better.” She is passionate about history and has a bachelor's degree in history.
After working for 7 years at DDS, Yana wanted to seek a new adventure. She applied at a lot of museums. After waiting for a response, the Mark Twain House Museum called her first. Her new supervisor interviewed her, and Yana thought she was very nice, and she felt comfortable. Yana accepted a job as a Historical Interpreter, or also known as a Tour Guide at the Mark Twain House Museum in Hartford, Connecticut. She enjoys her new job. She gives tours of the historical houses. She also works at the front desk collecting tickets. In October, Yana enjoys giving ghost tours at the museum. She loves to learn new things about Mark Twain, meeting new people from all over the world, and learning new things about history.
When I asked Yana, “What advice would you give someone to be their best self?” She said, “Keep trying and never give up. If you get rejected, don’t let that discourage you.”
When I asked Yana, “What is something that you want people to know about you?” She responded by saying that she secretly loves her good sense of humor. She is proud that she was able to find her new job without anyone's assistance. Yana regrets not taking chances and staying in her comfort zone. Yana is doing hard things. When I asked her, “Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give yourself three years ago?” Yana said, I would say push yourself to get out of your comfort zone.” Yana shared that she is challenging herself now by going back to school to earn her master’s degree in history. She also wants to eventually move to New York down the road.