Yana Razumnaya - Apartment Success Story
Apartment Success Story
Interview with Yana Razumnaya
By Varian Salters
1. How did you go about advocating to live on your own?
Yana spoke up at her IP Meeting. She said that she’s getting older, and it’s no longer healthy for her to live at home. She needed help to apply for a voucher so that she could live on her own.
2. When did you move out?
Yana moved out New Year’s Day, 2 years ago in 2019.
3. Was it scary at first to move out? What were your feelings the first few days of living on your own?
Yana was excited but scared. She was having panic attacks and having trouble in the middle of the night. Yana was feeling homesick, but she had good support that she could call if she needed to talk. Eventually she stopped being homesick because she was home already, and her parents lived right around the corner.

4. How do you feel about living on your own now?
Yana loves it. She said it is a lot of work taking care of the place, making sure it’s neat and tidy, and making sure her bills are paid.

5. What hobbies do you have and what do you like to do when you get home for fun?
Yana reads books and writes. Yana does diamond art and watches television. She has Disney plus & Netflix. She used to have Hulu when her show was on, but her show is not on right now. So, she canceled her Hulu to save a bit of money. She also volunteers at the Bushnell and attends Circle of Friends Group Weekly and participates in Advocacy.
6. Do you have any responsibility at home? If so, what?
Yana has to keep the place clean, make sure her dishes are washed, and make sure her laundry is done. Yana used to do laundry at her parents’ house. Now she’s learning to use the laundromat at her building. She likes doing it independently.
7. Do you have staff that come and help you and how do they help you?
Yana used to have staff when she first moved out. She had support staff coming out but then when she got more comfortable, she started to do more independently. So, she doesn’t have anyone come right now. Yana even made mini-apple pies for Thanksgiving. Yana said she will probably find one for work eventually, but her mom has been helping her out at home if needed. Yana’s mom is not that far away, but mostly she is pretty good on her own.
8. How many hours do your staff come to help you?
When Yana had staff, she had 5 hours a week.
9. How far away are you from your parents?
Yana’s parents are about 5 minutes away. She likes to stay with them on the weekends. Her dad likes her to visit, and she spends more time over there since her dad got sick. Yana helps her mom out and makes sure her dad is not on his own when her mom has to get out. Yana keeps her dad company.
10. Did you create any types of signs or charts to help with remembering to do stuff?
She has checklists in each of the rooms in her place to help remind her what needs to be cleaned.

11. What advice would give to someone that wants to move on their own?
”Don't be afraid and don’t let your fear get in the way of your dreams!”