Healthy Relationships
Our DDS Vision promotes all individuals to “Have safe, meaningful and empowering relationships”.
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is committed to promoting the respect and dignity of individuals who receive services from the department or its providers. We want to assure all individuals have the right and are supported to have relationships of their choice and are given the privacy and opportunity to express their own sexuality. We support educating and supporting individuals to have healthy and meaningful relationships.
Ideas to assist people with disabilities to develop safe, meaningful; and empowering relationships.
Healthy Relationship Series
The department supports the Healthy Relationship Series held 3 times a year. The “Healthy Relationship Series” curriculum the department is using promotes healthy relationships for all individuals. Planned Parenthood of Southern New England Educators team up with our DDS Self Advocate Coordinators who have been trained to teach the curriculum that has been written By, For, and With Self Advocates.
Healthy Relationship Application
Edwin Anderson is willing to answer any questions you may have: (860) 263-2483.
- One 11 week-Session Fall Series is planned to begin on September 17, and end on October 24.
- Small sessions at 15 participants to support more interactive learning.
- Individuals must be 18 years of age or older and receive supports from DDS.
- All interested individuals must complete the online form and email it to Edwin Anderson (860) 263-2483 as noted on the referral.
- Individuals must have a working computer with internet access, microphone, and headphones.
- Zoom will be used as he platform for the sessions.
This is the link to the online referral form
- Healthy Relationship Series - 2024 - Eleven Virtual Sessions: 9/17, 9/19,9/24, 9/26, 10/1, 10/3, 10/8, 10/10, 10/15, 10/17, 10/22
- Life/Real Talk for Parents & Caregivers - Two Virtual Session 2024: 9/11 & 10/9 - 5:30-7 p.m.