ACIR Membership

ACIR membership is established in accordance with Sec. 2-79a of the Connecticut General Statutes and this list is current as of 6/7/2024.


Chair:  Vacant

Vice Chair:   John Filchak, Public Member, appointed by Senate President Pro Tempore

Steve Cassano, Designee of Senate President Pro Tempore
J. Brendan Sharkey, Designee of Speaker of the House of Representatives
James O'Leary, Designee of Senate Minority Leader
[Vacant], Designee of the House Minority Leader
Katie Stargardter, Designee of Commissioner of Economic and Community Development
Ethan Van Ness, Designee of Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection
Keith Norton, Designee of Commissioner of Education
Martin Heft, Designee of the Secretary of the Office of Policy & Management
[Pending Appointment], Nominated by COST and appointed by the Governor
[Pending Appointment], Nominated by COST and appointed by the Governor
Stephen Stephanou, Town of Manchester
Hon. Laura Hoydick, Town of Stratford
Bridget Fox, City of Stamford
Thomas Gaudett, City of Bridgeport
Lon Seidman, Connecticut Association of Boards of Education
[Pending Appointment], CT Association of Public School Superintendents
Matt Hart, CT Councils of Governments
Troy Raccuia, representative of organized labor
[Vacant], Public Member, appointed by the Governor
Samuel Gold, Public Member, appointed by Senate Minority Leader
Carl Amento, Public Member, appointed by Speaker of House of Representatives
Francis Pickering, Public Member, appointed by House Minority Leader
Ron Thomas, Connecticut Conference of Municipalities
Karl Kilduff, Town of Weston, designee of Connecticut Council of Small Towns
Bruce Wittchen
Phone: (860) 418-6323