CT-SEDS User Manuals

PCG has developed User Manuals for each component of CT-SEDS.  These guides provide important information and descriptions (including screen shots) designed to assist the user with navigating the various processes within CT-SEDS.  All User Manuals will be posted in CT-SEDS in the Documents section of the Homepage.

  1. Core Navigation User Manual
  2. CT-SEDS Adding and Inactivating Users Quick Guide
  3. CT-SEDS Caseload Wizard Quick Guide
  4. CT-SEDS School & District Calendar Quick Guide 
  5. IEP and Progress Reporting User Manual
  6. Parent Portal Quick Start Guide for Parents
  7. Parent Portal Quick Start Guide for Parents in Spanish
  8. Referral and Evaluation User Manual
  9. Restraint and Seclusion User Manual
  10. Section 504 User Manual
  11. Service Documentation Administrator User Manual
  12. Service Documentation User Manual
  13. Services Plan User Manual

CT-SEDS Experts Training Slides

  1. Core Navigation
  2. User Supports
  3. Referral/Evaluation
  4. IEP
  5. 504 Plan
  6. Restraint and Seclusion
  7. Progress Reports
  8. Services Plan
  9. Service Logging Documentation

CT-SEDS Experts Training