CSDE MATH LISTSERV: The purpose of this listserv is to keep educators informed of professional learning opportunities and to provide general updates about math education. To subscribe to this listserv please contact Jennifer Michalek at jennifer.michalek@ct.gov.
Connecticut Model Curriculum
The curriculum is aligned with the Connecticut Core standards for Mathematics, both the Content Standards and the Standards for Mathematical Practice. It is based on the big ideas, conceptual understandings, real world applications, hands-on experiences gathering data, and appropriate uses of technology.
The units included here have been reviewed by experts using rigorous protocols and have been found to be in alignment with the CCSS. The effectiveness of any individual unit will depend on the relationship of the unit to your yearlong curriculum plan. These units may be used as models or adapted for use in your district, school, or classroom.
Lesson Plans
The lesson plans included here have been reviewed by experts using rigorous protocols and have been found to be in alignment with the CCSS. The effectiveness of any individual lesson plan will depend upon its relationship to the unit of instruction and the yearlong curriculum plan. These lesson plans may be used as models or adapted for use in your classroom.
Materials found here will enhance your understanding of the standards. You will also find useful materials for the classroom.
- Understanding/Implementing CT Core Standards in the Classroom
- Mathematical Practice Resources
- Classroom Resources
- Video Resources
- Assessment
Math Science Partnership Grant
The MSP Program through partnerships with institutes of education and high-need districts provide intensive, content-rich professional development to teachers and other educators, with the goal of improving classroom instructions and, ultimately, student achievement in math and science.Intel Math
Bridging Practices Among CT Math Educators
MSP Showcase
The Connecticut Dream Team mathematics work created materials to support instructional cycles that meet the needs of all learners. These "Instructional Cycle Guides" are designed to provide teachers with steps and materials needed to elicit student understandings and misunderstandings of a targeted concept, analyze the resulting student work, and implement a follow-up lesson that reengages students in the concept and provides opportunities for extra support and/or extension.
The following materials were developed by CT Dream Team members and will be utilized during the 2014 TeachFest.
Since the materials are not considered to be complete units of study or comprehensive lesson plans, they have not been rated using the Connecticut rating system that is based on the EQuIP rubrics.