Sexual Assault Services Formula (SASP) Grant Program

Reporting Requirements

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As the State Administering Agency, OPM must ensure that all funding is utilized correctly and according to federal, state, and special conditions. In order to do so, OPM collects quarterly progress reports and quarterly financial reports.

Quarterly progress reports are reports that detail the narrative activities of sub grantees who receive funds under the STOP award. Sub grantees must submit a progress report for each active sub grant for each quarter that the grant is active.

Financial reports explain the expenditures of the sub grant and unless otherwise indicated, are submitted via OPM’s online Grant Management System, Grantium (please see the Grantium tab for more information on Grantium). Sub grantees must spend according to the budget they submitted at application time or according to a revised budget. Revised budgets must be submitted and approved before sub grantees may spend differently than indicated in their original application. In addition to financial reports, the OPM program manager may request supplemental documentation, such as timesheets, receipts, invoices, and contracts to confirm that the expenditures are being spent according to how they are reported.

Reporting schedule:



Report due dates

First quarter

July 1 – September 30

October 15

Second quarter

October 1 – December 31

January 15

Third quarter

January 1 – March 31

April 15

Fourth quarter

April 1 – June 30

July 15