This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Announces Restoration of Agricultural Sustainability Account Funding for Connecticut’s Dairy Farmers

(NORTH FRANKLIN, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that through his administrative authority, he has fully restored funding to the state’s Agriculture Sustainability Account by reversing a $1.4 million cut to Connecticut’s dairy farmers that was made in the October 2017 bipartisan, biennial state budget. While the budget adjustment legislation that was signed into law earlier this month partially restored some of the funding beginning in fiscal year 2019, the cut still remained for fiscal year 2018. By making reductions in other areas, the Governor has been able to restore funding for 2018, fully reversing the scheduled cuts.

The Governor made the announcement during a visit to Cushman Farms in North Franklin.

“A strong and healthy farming community is integral to a strong and healthy Connecticut,” Governor Malloy said. “That’s why it’s important that the state partners with our hardworking dairy farmers who are challenged by a combination of volatile milk prices coupled with the high production costs. The legislature recognized this when they restored funding for next fiscal year and today, my administration is taking action to restore funding the current year.”

The Agricultural Sustainability Account, which was established under the Community Investment Act of 2005, provides grants to dairy farmers to offset the volatility of milk prices and ensure predictability in the dairy market.

“The Agricultural Sustainability Account provides a critical lifeline for Connecticut’s dairy farmers and their families,” Connecticut Department of Agriculture Commissioner Steven K. Reviczky said. “They work long hours throughout the year and provide a vitally important product. It is critical that we support this sector of Connecticut agriculture, and recognizing what dairy farms add in terms of jobs and to our quality of life. Governor Malloy deserves tremendous credit for standing up for our farmers.”

Don Tuller, President of the Connecticut Farm Bureau, said, “Governor Malloy has recognized the importance of agriculture in Connecticut’s economy and his willingness to step in when it’s needed is helping sustain our dairy industry in these difficult times.”

Since taking office, Governor Malloy has been a champion of Connecticut’s agriculture industry.

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy