This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Announces Major Investment to Revitalize New London State Pier

$15 Million in State Bonding Will Help Revitalize Pier for Use in the Deployment of Offshore Wind Projects and Spur Economic Development

(NEW LONDON, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the state will make a $15 million investment as a first step toward revitalizing the Connecticut State Pier in New London for potential use in the deployment of equipment and workers for the seven offshore wind projects currently planned in the northeast. The funding, which is subject to approval from the State Bond Commission on June 1, will include demolition of selected structures, site improvements, storm water treatment and drainage improvements, upgrades to increase laydown capabilities, construction of a heavy lift pad, improvements to load bearing capacity, and replacement of mooring dolphins.

The Governor made the announcement this morning at a news conference near the pier, where he was joined by Connecticut Port Authority Chairman Scott Bates and New London Mayor Michael Passero.

“In the next 12 years, we expect to see 7 to 8 gigawatts of new, offshore wind power come online in the northeast alone,” Governor Malloy said. “With that new energy comes real economic opportunities for our region. As a result of these improvements, New London will be the perfect location to support the expansion of offshore wind. I have no doubt that the funding we invest today will have lasting economic benefits to the entire region in the years and decades to come.”

The Governor also noted that with improvements to the pier, New London offers the offshore wind industry a number of competitive advantages over other northeastern ports, including:

  • a strategic location in proximity to lease areas off the coast of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey;
  • a well-protected harbor with deep water access and a short transit to open sea;
  • no height or width restrictions between the Port of New London and the open sea; and
  • an existing, sophisticated marine industry buoyed by national leaders like Electric Boat and a highly-skilled workforce ready and able to get to work on behalf of a thriving wind industry.

“This strategic investment is a step toward unlocking New London’s unique potential as a hub for the offshore wind industry,” Mayor Passero said. “Today’s announcement is exciting economic news for our city as the redevelopment of the State Pier will spur growth in marine businesses and help revitalize the downtown. I want to thank Governor Malloy, the Port Authority, and all of our partners in state government for their support of this important project.”

The Connecticut Port Authority, which was created in 2014 to develop and market the state's ports and promote its maritime economy, oversees the operations of the State Pier.

“Governor Malloy has worked hard to rebuild Connecticut’s infrastructure as a way to create jobs and long term economic growth,” Port Authority Chairman Bates said. “This investment in the State Pier will pay dividends for years to come in this region and across Connecticut, and New Haven will benefit greatly from a more effective link into the regional freight rail system. At the Connecticut Port Authority, we are ready to tackle these new projects as we continue our work strengthening the maritime economy across the state.”

In addition to the offshore wind industry, this project is intended to help spur the revitalization of the shipping industry and other marine businesses, as well as bring development to downtown New London.

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy