Receiving Quality Care Through Goals, Preferences, and Priorities

 Photo of two LTCOP Rocks With Megaphone saying QUALITY CARE



Group of Attendees at Voices 2023


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the wonderful individuals who attended the 27th Annual Voices Forum! Your presence and active participation contributed immensely to making it a truly exceptional day filled with insightful discussions, best practices, valuable education, and meaningful connections.

For those who, unfortunately, couldn't join us in person, we understand that distance and other commitments may have kept you away. However, we don't want you to miss out on the wealth of knowledge and experiences shared during the forum. We're pleased to share with you the recorded sessions from the day, ensuring that you can still be part of this enriching experience.

Part One

Part Two

We've also compiled essential resources from the day's events, including presentations, handouts, and additional materials. Please find these resources linked below, so you can bring the insights and best practices to your own resident councils at your respective facilities.


Attendee Packet / Agenda Link


PowerPoint Slides


Thank you once again for being a part of this special day. Your dedication to fostering positive change and improvement within your communities is truly commendable. We look forward to staying connected and continuing our collective journey towards excellence.



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