Capital Workforce Partners ​

Lashauna is a 39 year old female who resides in Hartford and is a participant of the Capital Workforce Best Chance Program.   She registered with the Best Chance Program on 6/21/2019 looking for a second chance in life.  She entered the Pre-Manufacturing Course at Manchester Community on 9/23/2019 and completed on 12/13/2019.  After training completion, she began her job search phase.  During this time, she faced multiple rejections due to her felony record.  In spite of the rejections, she persevered and continued to look for work.  She secured an employment offer from CT Boatworks on 4/23/2020 during the uncertain environment of COVID-19.  She is making $16.50 an hour, and is hoping that her hard work and perseverance will continue to move her forward as she grows in her professional environment.   The SNAP E & T funds paid for half of her pre-manufacturing training expenses. 


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