Medicaid Nursing Home Reimbursement
Nursing Facility InformationThe Office of Reimbursement and Certificate of Need (CON) is responsible for establishing Medicaid reimbursement methodologies for Medicaid nursing homes. Reimbursement and CON is responsible for Medicaid State Plan Amendments that are necessary to obtain Federal matching funds for nursing home services provided through Connecticut's Medicaid program. There are currently 209 nursing homes and 24,522 licensed beds in Connecticut. Medicaid is the funding source for approximately 74% of nursing home care in Connecticut.
- Nursing facility rates and census information
- Nursing facility annual cost reports
- Acuity Reimbursement
- Nursing Facility Cost Reports
Transition to Acuity-Based Methodology for Medicaid Reimbursement of Nursing Facilities
The Connecticut Department of Social Services transitioned Medicaid nursing facility reimbursement on July 1, 2022 from a cost-based methodology to a prospective acuity-based or case mix payment system. This method will aid DSS in its goals of moving toward a system that is data driven, improves transparency, and benefits patient outcomes. View the Acuity Based Methodology webpage for additional information and updates.
Nursing Home Bed Reduction Process The Department is responsible for the Certificate of Need (CON) process for nursing homes. A Nursing Home, or Applicant, may request a decrease in total bed capacity by submitting a letter of Intent for a Certificate of Need (CON) to the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services. Bed Reduction Information
Connecticut Nursing Facility Payer Mix
Under the Connecticut Medicaid program, payment rates for nursing homes are set on a cost-based prospective basis in accordance with Section 17b-340 of the Connecticut General Statutes and Section 17-311-52 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. The federal government provides states discretion in determining the method used to pay for nursing facility services. The state's reimbursement methodology, however, must be approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) within the federal Department of Health and Human Services. The annual rate period for nursing homes is July 1 through June 30, unless modified by the legislature. The cost reporting period, however, is October 1 through September 30. Every Medicaid nursing home must complete an "Annual Report of Long-Term Care Facility" which is annually due before February 15th.
Payor Mix | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Medicaid | 73.91% | 74.09% | 72.60% | 71.62% | 71.83% | 71.73% |
Medicare | 11.5% | 10.25% | 12.08% | 12.48% | 11.53% | 11.55% |
Private Pay | 9.99% | 9.94% | 9.97% | 9.79% | 10.46% | 10.87% |
Other (Veterans/Medicaid Other States) | 4.6% | 5.72% | 5.35% | 6.10% | 6.17% | 5.86% |
Medicaid State Plan Amendments
The state plan is an agreement between a state and the Federal government describing how that state administers its Medicaid and CHIP programs. It gives an assurance that a state will abide by Federal rules and may claim Federal matching funds for its program activities. The state plan sets out groups of individuals to be covered, services to be provided, methodologies for providers to be reimbursed and the administrative activities. When a state is planning to make a change to its state plan, the state must send state plan amendments (SPAs) to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for review and approval. States also submit SPAs to request permissible program changes, make corrections, change reimbursement methods, or update their Medicaid or CHIP state plan with new information. Connecticut Medicaid State Plan Amendments submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are available through the Department website.
Additional Information
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that runs the Medicare program, created the Nursing Home Compare Tool to assist consumers in making important decisions when exploring nursing home placement for a loved one. Information on the nursing home compare website is not an endorsement or advertisement. The tool helps consumers find and compare Medicare-certified nursing homes based on a location, and compare their staffing and the quality of care. The tool also helps consumers search for short-term care such as rehabilitation from surgery, and other forms of specialized care, and provides resources useful when searching for nursing homes like a checklist and guide for finding nursing homes and the quality of care at nursing home facilities. Visit the Medicare Nursing Home Compare website.
- The Annual Report of Long-Term Care Facility template and other supporting information can be found at Myers and Stauffer. The cost report captures detailed cost, statistical (e.g. residents days, therapy service volume, nursing hours) and ownership/related party transaction information.
- Nursing facility rates and facility census information is available by individual facility.
- The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Nursing compares Long Term Care Facilities by location, facility size, ownership type, resident needs, inspection results and nursing home staff.
- Medicaid Applications for Long-Term Services and Supports