Real Estate Conveyance Tax Forms
Real Estate Conveyance Tax Information
myCTREC is now available to Town Clerks and Submitters. myCTREC is DRS new safe, secure, and easy-to-use online portal. As a result, the current e-REC system will be retired. Click here to learn more about myCTREC.
File Form OP-236 electronically FREE and Secure using myCTREC
CT Real Estate Conveyance Tax Returns
For conveyance dates on or after 7/1/2020
Name |
Type |
Description |
Revised |
OP-236 |
Return | Connecticut Real Estate Conveyance Tax Return -Fillable This return can only be used for conveyance dates on or after 7/1/2020 Certain sellers of mobile manufactured home parks see below |
07/2020 |
OP-236I |
Instructions | OP-236, Real Estate Conveyance Tax Return Instructions |
11/2023 |
AU-263 |
Worksheet | Real Estate Conveyance Tax Allocation Worksheet | 07/2020 |
OP-236-Schedule_A |
Return |
Supplemental Information for Real Estate Conveyance Tax Return - Grantors-Fillable |
10/2024 |
OP-236-Schedule_B |
Return |
Supplemental Information for Real Estate Conveyance Tax Return - Grantees-Fillable |
2016 |
Certain Sellers of Mobile Manufactured Home Parks Only:
Name | Type |
Description |
Revised |
OP-236 HP |
Return |
Real Estate Conveyance - Home Park Tax Return |
11/2023 |
OP236I HP |
Instructions | OP-236 HP Instructions |
11/2023 |
For conveyance dates prior to 7/1/2020
Name | Type | Description | Revised |
OP-236 | Return |
Connecticut Real Estate Conveyance Tax Return -Fillable |
04/2017 |
OP-236I | Instructions | OP-236, Real Estate Conveyance Tax Return Instructions - These instructions can only be used for conveyance dates prior to 7/1/2020 |
07/2019 |
Contact Information - REC DRS Contact List Town Clerks