Real Estate Conveyance Tax Electronic Filing - (myCTREC)
ATTENTION: The E-REC portal has been retired. View only access is still available from here.
NOW AVAILABLE: myCTREC, DRS new safe, secure, and easy-to-use online portal. myCTREC will replace the current e-REC system.
myCTREC is available to Grantors/Sellers or their authorized representative (i.e., Attorney, Authorized Agent) to file Form OP-236, Real Estate Conveyance Tax Return and make any applicable payments, electronically. myCTREC is free, convenient, secure and, user-friendly.
Please be advised: To electronically submit or approve Forms OP-236, you must create a myCTREC username. E-REC credentials will not be accepted in myCTREC.
Note for Submitters: You may only file electronically if your Town Clerk has requested access to approve returns electronically. Click here for a list of participating municipalities. Look for a check mark in the Participating Municipality column!
Participating Town Clerks can use myCTREC to review and approve (or reject) electronically filed Connecticut Real Estate Conveyance Tax Returns. Once approved, the return and payment will be submitted to DRS for processing.