The US Census Bureau takes a census of the population of the United States every 10 years which is known as the decennial census. Since the decennial census attempts to provide a true count of the population rather than an estimate, it is a major source of population data for Connecticut. (To access Census data for other geographies of the United States, please visit American FactFinder.)
Census 2010: Connecticut
The Census 2000 collected a variety of demographic, social, economic, and housing information as of April 1, 2000. Basic counts and cross-tabulations for Connecticut residents are provided below (Source: Census 2000 Summary File 1).
Population by Town by Single Race Designation (xls, 303KB)
Population by Town by Multiple Race Designation (xls, 75KB)
Population by Town by Age, Sex, Race/Ethnicity (ASRH) (xls, 1.6MB)
(Workbook description, PDF, 36KB)