Lead Hazard Reduction and Control Section


The mission of the program is to protect the health and safety of the people of Connecticut.  We strive to prevent lead poisoning and promote wellness through education and a wide range of program activities that relate to childhood lead poisoning prevention. 


The program is dedicated to reducing childhood lead poisoning through promoting mandatory blood lead testing, reporting, and surveillance, linking families to services and targeted interventions.


Childhood lead poisoning is one of the most common pediatric public health problems, yet it is 100% preventable. Parents, healthcare providers, and others can take important steps in preventing exposure.


Click on one of the main categories below to learn more.


About Lead


Local Health Departments

Educational Materials

Pregnant Persons

Healthcare Providers

Statutes and Regulations


Licensed Lead Professionals

Screening and Surveillance Data


Child Care Providers


For information regarding childhood lead poisoning, please contact: (860) 509-7299

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